Chapter 1

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Landan's POV

"Landan, hurry up, we have to at their house in one hour!" Mom shouted to me. My mom was forcing me to move in with my new step Brothers.

"Do I have to go? They don't even like me."I argue coming down the stairs.

"They love you, I bet they'll welcome you as soon as we get there." Mom says as we climb in the car.

"What if they ask about my scars and bruises?" I try to guilt trip.

"Well I will ask Max to talk to them...." Mom started before I interrupted.

"No, no, never mind." I lean back in my seat
When she pulled up I got out and saw a tallish man, who was sorta muscular with Dirty brown hair, with a little bit of grey in it.

"Hey, Mr. Max." I said as I hopped out the car.

"Hey Landan, the boys are in the living room they can help you unpack."

I nodded my head and started walking inside, leaving my mom and Mr. Max alone.

When I got to the living room I saw those morons on the floor "fist fighting" over the remote.

"Hey dweeb." The oldest of the idiots, Calvin, called as he tried to break up his brothers.

"Y'all's dad said you guys have to help me get my stuff up to my room." I said after rolling my eyes.

"Sorry Twerp, we're in the middle of seeing who's the strongest, maybe when we're done." Leo told me as he fought with Gavin, who's is my favorite out of them.

He had Gavin pinned to the ground, and that's when Gavin kicked him in the nuts, making Leon pissed to where he tried to choke out Gavin.

Calvin was trying to pull Leo off of Gavin but he wouldn't budge. Calvin was freaking out and Gavin was gasping for air.

I ran outside and Mr. Max and my mom were gone and I couldn't find them anywhere in the house.

"Kid, our parents went on a date so come and help me save my baby brother!!!!" Calvin shouted at me, so I ran over to the two older boys. I grabbed a pressure point on Leo's neck that hurts like crazy.

"Ow, dork let me go!" Leon growled at me.

"Get off Gavin now." I said pinching it harder.

Leon got off Gavin real quick like, and I let him go, and started moving my stuff up to my room.

"Hey kid, wait." I turned looking at Leo.

"How are you so strong for a 12 year old?" He asked me, now all eyes were on me. I looked at them with wide eyes and came up with an excuse.

"It's a pressure point, you don't have to be strong for it to hurt." I explain like their dumb.

I hurry up to my room before they can ask anymore questions.

After I got everything set up in my room, I collapsed on my bed. I was tired and didn't know why. So I crawled under my covers and fell asleep.

Gavin's POV

I was walking to the bathroom to wash my face, I was still surprised Leo tried to choke me, I mean it's not like I meant to kick him, and if that was me I can only imagine what he would do to poor Landan. I'm the only one who actually likes the kid, I mean it's not his fault our parents are together.

I was walking to my room to play this new Madden game I got, but I walked by Landan's room and his door was open. I walked in and saw the kid shaking and sweating, most likely from a nightmare. He kept saying something like 'dad no, don't.' I sat next to him and stroked his hair. I watched as he curled up to my chest, and smiled at me.

"Thanks kid, you saved my life." I whispered.

I tried to get up but he squeezed me tighter, so I picked him up and and carried him to my room.

When I got him to my room, I laid him on my bed. I soon felt tired as I sat there listening to his heart beat rhythmically . I couldn't play Madden like I planned because I didn't want to wake him. As my eyes started to get heavier, I laid down letting sleep engulf me.

"Good luck here Landan." I said, right before I closed my eyes to sleep.

I soon wake up to the sound of laughter. I jump up and see Leo standing at the door.

"What's so funny moron?" I asked.

"Hey I'm just laughing because you look so gay right now, and I'm just hoping Calv sees you two like this."

I look beside me and realize Landon is still right next to me. I jump up and I hit the floor really hard. It was so hard Calv ran in.

"What was that...... GAVIN! Did someone hurt you Gav, are you ok?" Cal was always protective over me I don't know why.

"Leo startled me and made me fall out my bed." I pout looking up at Gavin.

He looked at my bed and saw Landan laying there. My brother was getting mad and ripped him out of my bed.

"OUR ROOMS ARE FOR US ONLY NO GO TO YOUR OWN ROOM DORK!" I flinch at the sound of my brother yelling.

Watching as Landan looked depressed as he walked out of my room broke my heart.

Landon's POV

Calvin forced me out the room. I didn't wanna start anything or give any suspicious thought so I did as I was told. When I got to my room I took my shirt off and examined all my  bruises and scars my dad had left me with. I couldn't help but get mad, all the guys I fought had a reason to hate me but these guys don't our parents are happy.

I heard a knock on my door and threw my shirt on.

"Come in!" I shout jumping on my bed.

In walked Gavin holding something.

"Hey kid, is this yours I....." I didn't let Gav finish when I saw he was holding something dear to me.

"THAT'S MINE GIVE IT BACK!!" I shout with tears in my eyes.

"Gavey you don't have to give him anything." Calvin told him coming up behind him.

"Yeah Gav." Leo agreed coming to.

I looked up at them  on the verge of crying, it might be a silly box full of stuff to some but all the stuff in that box meant so much to me.

"Please just give it to me." I mumble looking at the ground.

Calvin and Leo start teasing me about crying.

"Is the baby gonna cry?" Calvin teased, and punched me in my bad shoulder.

I winced in pain and the two of them walked out laughing. I looked down and snatched my box from him and fell on my bed.

I hope this changes but most likely not.

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