Flaming desire.

I was standing admiring my creation, the violent flames demolishing what once was. I had never felt so serene, my eyes reflecting the burning light. It was the moment we would unite.

Stepping towards the beautiful flames. Embracing what come may. Footsteps approached and whisked me away. The only thing that gave me purpose, was ripped away from me. Everything went black.

I woke up in a cell, damp floor, locked door. They called me a heretic. Said I will burn in hell for my crimes. 

Dragged down mainstreet, gazes followed my every move. Tied up in the town square for everyone to view.

They did not know this was my desire, finally I would become one with the fire. The scorching heat reached my feet, I burst into flames. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. 

Suicidal arsonist burned at the stake.

Flaming desireWhere stories live. Discover now