Kiara looked around the classroom to see three of the students raise their hands. The two kids in the back and Paku.

"Three of you. Alright. Well in that case, let's start with the temptaint ritual."

We're going to summon demons on the first day? This'll be interesting. Kiara thought.

"The room we're in isn't normally used, so Goblins moved in. Now Goblins, if you didn't already know, are a type of demon."

"Is this place safe?" Paku asked, her voice shaking a bit.

Yukio chuckled, "Yes, it's safe."

Damn. I was hoping for a little excitement. Kiara thought as she watched Yukio palace a briefcase onto the podium and opening it.

"A Goblin is a low level demon, a mischief maker, so they're perfect for rituals like this."

"Hey Yukio!" Rin exclaimed, slamming his hands on the table and standing up.

"Class is in session. Would you please sit down." Yukio asked with annoyance, though Rin didn't listen and remained standing. Yukio just ignored Rin. "Now where was I? Ah, yes. Eve though Goblins are low level demons, they're still demons—"

"Come on Yukio! Talk to me!" Rin shouted again, though it sounded more like he was pleading with Yukio, though the brunette just ignored him and continued.

"That being said, if they catch the. Scent of rotten animal blood, they'll get excited and turn ferocious."

Kiara watched as Rin moved from his seat and walked up to Yukio with a pissed expression. "Hold on a sec, we need to talk, man. Right now!"

"What do you want to talk about?" Yukio asked, and despite the calm front he was putting up, it was rather obvious to Kiara that he was getting very annoyed.

"Don't play dumb!"

Any normal person would get frightened from his yelling, and looking around, Kiara noticed that a few of the students did have frightened looks on their faces. Kiara on the other hand only had excitement welling up. The first day was starting to prove itself to be chaotic, loud, and most importantly, entertaining.

"Fine, if that's the way you want it." Yukio said with a sigh of defeat. "Sorry class, would everyone pace step out and wait in the hall? There's something I have to discuss with Mr. Okumura in private."

To say she wasn't disappointed would be a lie, but she followed her classmates out into the hallway nonetheless. She quickly glanced back into the classroom before she shut the door behind him, and she could of sworn she saw Mephisto smile at her.

"What a moron." Bon grumbled, angrily kicking the wall. "Seriously, what's his deal?"

"I mean, I'd be surprised if a sibling of mine suddenly walks through the door and says that he'll be my teacher." Kiara said with a shrug as she leaned against the door. "But it did seem to be more than just... surprise."

There was a loud crash from inside the room and everyone glanced at each other. Kiara watched as they all flinched with the sounds of gunshots.

"What the hell, are they going to kill each other?" Shima shouted in horror.

"No, that's not it." Kiara said, sniffing the air. "Smell that?"

"Ew, it smells like something rotting." Izumo said, covering her nose.

"If I had to guess, the blood Teach was going to use was spilt somehow, and the goblins are a little... savage right now." Kiara said. She leaned against the wall and heard the screeches of Goblins and more gunshots. There was shouting as well, but she couldn't make anything out over the noise. There was one final Goblin Screech and Kiara looked over to see the door open.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, class. Shall we continue our lesson for today?"

Kiara followed everyone into the room, only to see that it was total chaos. Rin was leaning on the podium with a smile on his face. It seemed like whatever they had talked about changed their attitudes toward each other. Though it looked like she wasn't the only one who noticed the change in the two boys.

"What's up with them?" Bon muttered to himself as he walked past her.

"Must of had an enlightening talk." Kiara responded simply as she made her way to her seat.

Bon scoffed and just walked back to his seat.


Class ended quite fast, they mainly got the rundown of how everything was going to happen. They would have the typical exorcist classes, and receive an exwire exam later in the semester. They were all given a little pamphlet about the basics of being an exorcist— it explained the classes they would have throughout the year, and the meisters for exorcists for when they did eventually become exwires. They were also given a few reading assignments, which earned groans from everyone.

"That will be all for today. Due to that interruption, we were not able to start lessons. Be prepared, since tomorrow won't be nearly as easy. You are all dismissed."

Kiara followed the others out of the room, and as she walked down the hall, there she felt something press against the back of her calf. Looking down she saw a white dog looking up at her.

"Meet me in room 1104, my girl." Mephisto said before scampering off.

Kiara sighed, it looks like she'll have to wait a bit longer until she can relax.

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