Seungkwan was wearing what he considered one of his favourite outfits. It was a navy blue silk bra top with fur frills lining the top, matched with a similar design of skirt, navy with fur frills at the bottom lining.

The skirt itself was way to short. It showed half of Seungkwans ass to who ever was lucky enough to see him turn around. But of course the frivolous boy did not care much about such things considering where he was.

Seungkwan sighed and tilted his head, wondering what else was to do.

Should I wear a collar? Or maybe put some glitter on my cheeks? Blush? I guess I could just do all of it.

Seungkwan snickered and twirled around before he pranced his way back into his seat, starting to do everything he suggested to himself quickly.

When he finished he turned to reach for his pigtail wig, and as soon as his hand touch it the sudden thought of a certain straight boy popped up in his head.

"Hey Han," Seungkwan grabbed his wig and twirled in his stool to face the other boy, that was gluing fake gems on the top edge of his brows, "guess what happened to me the other day."

"Hm?" Jeonghan nodded.

"After my night I went to the bar to... you know—"

"Pick up some helpless straight boy? Mhm go on," Jeonghan rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he patted some light pink blush on his cheeks with a brush.

"Well guess what this pitiful straight boy said to little ol' me the morning after," Seungkwan turned back to his mirror tilting his head, caressing his cheek lovingly, trying to imitate the sloppy moment.

"A f*g I fucked a trans oh god! I'm going to puke!" A voice shouted from the end of the room, catching both of the boys off guard.

Seungkwan and Jeonghan swung their heads to the back, their eyes locked on a grey haired boy that had popped his head out from behind a flower patterned divider.

The other show boy gave the two a feline-like smile as he got up from his seat, he walked around the divider and made his way towards the gossipers.

He was wearing nothing but shiny blue boxers, that outlined his package. It wasn't much compared to Seungkwan and Jeonghan that went all out with the makeup and overly sexual fits.

Regardless his confidence shined through, with his hand to hip, and the perfect curve of his chest to waist, anyone could see he was a ball of handsome in a room filled of pretty.

"Oh shit Soonyoung!" Jeonghan groaned holding his chest in his hand, "shouldn't you make yourself present before you decide to up and talk so lively?"

"Hey, it's not like I was hiding or anything, you just so happened to be too focused on looking at your reflection to notice this beauty sitting at the back right here," Soonyoung stated, running his finger down his beautiful figure, giving the other boy a flirtatious wink along with it.

"Anyways, I only revealed myself because I wanted to join in on this little ordeal we're about to have right now," Soonyoung walked over to the sofa at the side of the room next to the clothes hangers.

"Ordeal?" Seungkwan raised a brow, "oh it was nothing horrific—"

"Let's be honest," Soonyoung waved his hands and cut Seungkwan right off before he started to speak non-sense, that he knew Seungkwan was going to spew, "if it wasn't bad now it'll be terrible later on, so drop it if it gives you hope, a straight boy is..."

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