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     As I'm packing the last of my things, I get to thinking. Why am I doing this. Why am I leaving my family, especially my mother Artemis and my father Posiedon. Now I probably should explain. I'm not your average human, I am a demigod. Half-human and half-god. I'm confusing you ain't I, well when I was a baby my fathers father Kronos's minions came at night and almost took my godly side away from me. If it wasn't for my cousins Ares and Athena they probably would of killed me and I've been a demigod ever since, but uncle Zeus said that I could get my immortality back by showing that I'm a true hero and I'm going to do my hardest.

     I'm pulled out of my thought when my mother comes into the room.

     "You almost done packing," she said while having a blank expression. She's been trying to convince me not to good but she understands when I say I want to try. She's all about adventure and so am I.

     "Almost, just a few more clothes and weapons." You never know if a monster is nearer then you think.

     "Do you need any help."

     "No I think I got it but thanks mom."

     "No problem, anyway we called Charlie Swan and he said he's got a room all set up for you."

     Charlie Swan is the chief of police in a small of Forks, Washington and the son of Hermes but never steals, which is ironic since he's never stole anything.

     "Ok, well is there anything else mom." I can always tell when she wants to tell me something.

     "Well, actually me and your mother wants to tell you something," said my father as he walks into my room.

     My father is a tall and handsome man. With his height being 6'1, chisel features with his black hair and with his sea green eyes you see why girls fall at his feet.

     My mother is the exact opposite. She is 5'5 with reddish-brown hair and silver eyes. Ever guy wants her but she won't give them the time of day.

     "Ok, what do you need to tell me," I asked, interested.

     "Well we wanted you to wear a necklace that me and your mother made for you, so you can contact us if you need us," he said as he shows me the necklace.

     It was a black heart shaped necklace with a silvery moon falling onto a wavy green-blue sea. It was the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen.

     "It's beautiful, I love it. Thanks mom, thanks dad," I said giving them both a hug.

     "Well we're glad you like it. Now I love you and hope to see you soon," my dad said while giving me one more hug and a kiss on the forehead before leaving.

     I sighed. I'm going to miss him. I look at my mother who was taking to Forks, so that I can finish with high school.

     "You ready to go, Bella," my mother said getting teary eye on me.

     "I'm ready," I said while grabbing my bow and arrow.

     I leave my room and go down the elevator til we reach the lobby of the Empire State Building to start my new life.

     Tell me what you think and if I should keep writing.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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