Chapter 1-Chainreaction

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I remember that very day so vividly...

I sighed as I went down, answering to my step-sisters call. If you're are wondering why I was being called Cinderella, it was because I used to sleep on the wooden floor, so it got very cold during winter. I would sleep in front of the fireplace to keep warm and would always end up with cinders covering me from head to toe. That's how I got the nick-name Cinderella.

"Yes, sister?" I asked, smiling.

"Go do the laundry! The clothes are already piling up!"Drizella said, pointing at the almost empty laundry basket. She obviously wanted to keep me busy no matter what. Still, I picked up the basket and did the laundry. Drizella would complain to step-mother if I didn't and step-mother may stop giving me food because of it. This was just another ordinary day. As soon as I finished, her stepmother called for me.

"Yes, Mother?" Ella asked, almost giving away my true feelings of frustration.

"Go clean the attic,"

"Yes Mother"

I didn't mind cleaning the attic. The only pain was getting there. 5 flights of stairs with more than 10 steps. Every time I go up there, I always end up panting and slightly sweaty, but my stamina was getting better. I finally reach the attic and open the windows. I used to be afraid of the dark but my trips to the attic cured it completely. I was a good 20 minutes in when I heard a thunk. A wooden box had fallen out of place. I go towards it and was about to put it back but curiosity got the best of me. I turn around to see a chunk of plaster that had fallen from the wall. I look at the large hole it had left and curiosity got ahold of me. I opened up the box to find letters! So many letters! I dragged my hand across the yellowed paper retracing fading words. I took out 2 letters. One from my mother. The other from a boy named Chad.

Each one was sent to my father. Probably sent when he was younger, before he disappeared, before he died. One was telling my father the everyday problems, actions and interesting out of ordinaries that happened inside the village. The other was telling my father about all the wonders the world outside the village might hold. Reading the letters made me fly with dragons and swim with mermaids. I was exploring volcanoes and hiking mountains yet I was still inside the house!

I walked backward in a daze, imagining all the wonders described by this person named Chad. I bumped into a wall making chunks of plaster fell from the area I bumped. It jolts me out of my trance and I jump. I turn around to see scattered plaster chunks and flakes as well as a gaping hole. Behind where the plaster had previously been was a folded up letter, yellow from age and with a wax seal. My curiosity took hold of me again and I grabbed the piece of yellowed paper, careful not to rip it and opened it up. My eyes widen and I drop the letter, not caring whether or not it got ripped or crumpled. I dodged around my tools and flung the door open. I rushed down the stairs and towards my stepmother's bedroom where she usually is during this time of day. I paused at the door to control my breathing before I knocked.

"Come in" she looks up from the rim of her teacup, "What is it Cinder-"

"Cut the act," I say, cutting off my stepmother which surprises her. "My name is Briar, isn't it?"
This all happened a year ago.
I'm Done! I have way too much time-that-is-supposed-to-be-used for-homework-but-isn't on my hands. I hope you like the story. It's going to be action-packed, crazy and magical! This Chapter is dedicated to my friend Fahionabledove . She planning to write a book but may never as she procrastinates a lot. Anyways, hope you like this. Follow, vote and see you next Chapter! (Or in my other book)

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