Chapter 1

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Mia POV:

This is so not fair! "Waitress, can I get a refill on my coffee?" I turned away from the the TV and grabbed the cup and refilled it. I gave the coffee back to the costumer. I hate my life. This is so not fair. I'm stuck here cleaning after people when I should be getting others to clean up my mess- Oh right. Cause I don't really get to chose my life. I hate being an adult. Every time, I look at the tv I see people my age already accomplished everything in their lives while I'm here still not even close to the first step. You might be thinking why am I complaining so much. Well let me tell you. When I was in my second year of college, my sister decided to get laid and be pregnant.So I dropped out of college and I helped her with her pregnancy months and the labor, but all I get back as appreciations is her robbing me and running away leaving her baby with. So let's just say I have to become a "mother" when it's not even my baby. Now I live with my best friend as we take care of Hana. My best friend name is Anna and she's a nurse. I work at a cafe trying to earn enough money for Hana and I. DOn't let me wrong, I love Hana, but it's hard being a single "mother".


"Ugh I'm so tired. I just put Hana to sleep." I said to Anna as I lay down on the couch. I looked over at her. She was smiling. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked. She straightens herself first. "I found you a suitable job offer. Now, I know you have to take care of Hana, but I was thinking maybe we can put in the daycare so you can do this job properly. So the job is being the assistant of this pop star. I get that it's gonna take lots of your time, but it's a life time offer. So what do you say?" she asked. I raised my brows trying to understand what she just said. Then I finally sigh and said, "Fine, I'll do it. So who's the star?" I asked as I sit up. "I don't know really. My coworker just told me that you have to fill up these forms then he will give me your interview time tomorrow." She said as she took out some forms from her bag. I nodded. I filled up the forms then gave them back to her to take. I called my boyfriend and he picked up." Hello?" he answered. "Hey, guess what? Anna found me a job to apply. Sorry, I have been busy with everything." I said. "No it's ok. I kinda need to sleep I have a wake up early tomorrow because I have to go to a business trip for rest of the week." He said. "Oh okay. Goodnight." I replied then hung up.

Daniel POV:

The plane finally landed. My body guards showed me the way to the car with my bags. We got to my house. I decided to get freshened up. "You're here!" My uncle shouted. We gave in a big hug. "How you been?" I asked as we broke apart. "Oh the same old, same old." He answered. We set down on the large white sofa. "Anyways, tomorrow we are planning on getting you a personal assistance. So we would have to meet up at the office building at 1:30pm." He explained as he gets up again. "Alright." I said simply. "So let's go out for some coffee and catch up on our lives." he said heading to the door. "Wow I can't believe I just got asked out on a date." I said sarcastically. We laughed over it and head to the car. "So where are we going to?" I asked putting on my seat belt. "I found this is sweet cafe close by." After, 12 mins we got to the location. We went inside the cafe and ordered ourselves some coffee and donuts. We found a table as we waited. "So how was the UK?" My uncle asked. "It was fun, but I really missed living in New York. I can't believe it's been 14 years." I said in excitement. "Well I'm glad you're back." He commented.

A waitress came by and placed our drinks on the table. Then she left to get our food. "Your mom and I was thinking-" I cut him off, "You mean mom was thinking." He sigh and took a sip of the coffee. "Look, I know marriage is not what you want right now, but your mom is ill and she needs you have someone along your side." He explained. I picked up my cup "I got you" as I took a sip too. He rolled his eyes. "Well I can't be there for you your whole life. At least take some consideration." He said, looking at me seriously. "NO! This is fair! I left because of things. I only came back, because I thought you guys would change. However, she still managed to somehow have demands that-"

Mia POV:
The next morning, I left Hana with Anna for the daytime. "Mia? Can you take this tray to table 6? I have to go to the restroom." My co worker asked. I nodded and took the tray from her hands. As I headed to the table a guy stood up and made me accidentally drop food on him. "Oh My God! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" "WHAT THE HELL WRONG WITH YOU?!!" He screamed at me. "How dare you yell at me." I shout back. "Excuse me? You're the one who can't do your job correctly and dropped food on me." He yelled back at me. As he glared me, I glared back at him too. The middle aged man aplogized in his behalf and started pulling him out of the cafe. "Hey, where do you think you're going, I'm not gonna clean up al-" The guy poured his ice coffee on my head. I could everyone gasping. This BASTARD!! I was about to attack him but my co workers held me while he calmly walked away. Few minutes later, I calmed down and went to the back. "Are you ok?" My manager asked. I nodded. She gave me a towel. "I'm sorry, but I think I have to let you go." She said. "What?" I'm confused. "I know you didn't mean to drop food at him, but you were about to attack him and that not safe for our cafe. I'm sorry, I have to let you go." She said. I looked down at the floor and sigh. I can't believe I lost my temper, because of that JERK!!

I left early today and head home. I really hope Anna gets me that job, because I don't know what else to do right now. My top is soggy, my hair dried but still feels sticky. I can't wait to go home. It took awhile to get home, because I took the train. When I opened the door, I saw Anna coming out of the kitchen. "Wow that happened to you?" She asked. "Some JERK made me lost my temper, reputation and job." I stated, heading to my room. "Good thing, I got this." she spoke. I turned around and saw her holding a card. "Really?". She nodded. Hopefully, this job will save me.

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