Morgan did an oopsie part 2

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I'm so sorry for not making a part 2 Immediately , was too lazy and busy
anyways I'm just going to rush it cause
we all do know how Peter's cliché
Field trip works right? or is it just me
who loves reading the same thing...;_;
anyways let's start, I hope you enjoy


Peter's pov

The bus finally arrived at the tower , Nat
and Wanda are the tour guides and both
of them won't stop smirking and looking
at me and Harley ,probably teasing us or
something,I rolled my eyes and they then
started to hand the student's badges, and
ofcourse they didn't gave me one or even
Harley ,Mr.Stark doesn't allow any people
to have two, and ofcourse Flash went first
to slide his badge , Friday greeted him and
let him enter,I let the students go first then
me , I sighed and pulled my badge from my
bag and let Friday read it "Welcome Back
Peter , aren't you supposed to be at school"
the AI asked , I rolled my eyes as students
started whispering "I'm in a field trip Fri" I
said "I see , I have notified the Avengers
of your arrival , enjoy the trip Baby Spider"
Friday said making some students gasp
I groaned "also" Friday added "Karen is
being a sassy bitch again , what do I do"
Friday asked making me laugh "Language
Fri there are some students here,also just
tell her to behave" I said "alright then"

I awkwardly went inside next to my friends
All students are whispering and staring at
me "did Parker hack Tony Stark's AI!!?" He
yelled , I wanted to tell 'no I didn't!' but we
were cut off by Friday "Welcome home Harley , I see you're also with Peter , I also
notified the avengers of your arrival" Friday
said making all the students whisper and
stare at him "Thanks Fri" Harley said and
walked towards me "Let's go yeah?" he said
while staring at Wanda and Aunt Nat , who
both nodded "yeah let's go now Midtown!"


we went to check some new interns who
are currently working , there I see some
interns who I know , I sometimes go here
to watch what they are doing when I'm
bored and Mr.Stark's with the Avengers
in some mission , some interns saw me
and wave , I waved back "Peeeeeteeer"
I heard someone say and looked behind
me there I saw my friend Jamie running
towards me , I chuckled when he suddenly
hugged me , I heard someone cough and
looked at Harley who looks pissed "oh...
someone is jealous..." Jamie said , Harley
glared at him ...ok what... Harley grabbed
my hands and pulled me away from Jamie
....what ...w h a t?? "Bye Pete..." he smiled
"and his boyfriend" he smirked and walked
away....did he just Harley my...b-

"Peter? Hey? You alright?" I heard Harley
say , I noticed I was spacing out , I didn't
even noticed our faces were so close , I
blushed and looked away "Yeah! Ofcourse
I am... Let's-lets go?" I said and he nods
...what's wrong with me... I think I might...
really like him...Harley grabbed my hand
and we walked together , ok calm down
Peter it's just Harley , it's just him , yeah
calm down...aaaaaaaAAAAA this is just so
embarrassing , isn't he embarrassed??
ofcourse not , I don't think holding hands
is a big deal for him , I'm probably just
over reacting... or maybe he just doesn't
feel the same , I sighed and tried to just
focus on the field trip


I noticed both Wanda and Aunt Nat are
holding and staring at their phone , they
looked at each other and smiled "alright
midtown...who wants to see the Avengers
and do Q & A with them??" Wanda asked
everyone cheered , except for MJ , Me and
Harley "hah! I can finally prove that Peter
is such a liar" Flash yelled "why won't you
just shut up and see that he's not really
lying!" Harley yelled , I sighed and held his
shoulders , just in case he go and punch
someone "It's alright Harley , I don't mind"

we went to the training area , there stood
all the Avengers and even Scott , Loki , Shuri , Bucky "Hey teens,we're the Avengers
which is obvious , and this is Antman ,
Loki , Princess of Wakanda , that metal
armed dude is The winter soldier" Mr.Stark
said making some of us laugh , we sat on
the floor while they stood up , except for Mr.Stark , he's sitting on a small chair and
eating cheeseburger ,Bucky's eating plums
"Q & A starts now" , there were some weirds
question but thank god the Avengers didn't
get annoyed or something

"Are you single?" A girl asked Bucky who
stopped eating plums and looked at Steve
"nope" he said and ignored the girl who's
asking who he is dating , ofcourse it's Steve

"Do you really sleep in vents?" A guy asked
Clint "yeah it's comfy there" he said making
some students chuckle

"Are you and Thor best friends?" someone
asked Dr.Banner "well... we're friends I guess?" he said "that is right young child
Banner is my best friend!" the god happily exclaimed

"Who's smarter between you and the
princess of Wakanda?" someone's asked
Mr.Stark "probably her , she's a nerd"
Mr.Stark said and Shuri rolled her eyes

"Sir , Morgan is currently crying and looking
for Peter outside" Friday announced , he
looked at me and I nod and stood up "I'll
be back" I said and went outside and saw
Morgan crying while wearing her hello kitty
PJ's "hey what's wrong?" I asked "bad dream" she said "it's alright , I'm here now
do you want to go to the Avengers and Harley?" I asked "yes" she whispered in a
sad voice

she sniffled and we went back
everyone stared at me and I just ignored
them "do you want to sit next to dad?"
I asked , she nods and I went to place her
next to Mr.Stark, I was going to go back
to my place but Morgan pulled me "don't
go?" she said , Mr.Stark laughed at me
"sure Morgan" I said and sat next to her

"Is Peter really your intern?" someone
asked , and Mr.Stark nods "yeah"
"What the fuck Parker! I'm so done with
all of these lies , stop pretending you
know them , I bet you slept with someone
to let them pretend that they know you"
Flash yelled angrily "who did you slept
with? is it Tony Stark? Captain America?
The Winter Soldier? who? you slut" he
added , by this time , I didn't realize I was


Harleys pov

I saw Mr.Stark , Bucky , Steve stood up
angrily , before they could even go to
Flash , I went first and punched him ,
I was angry , he made Peter cry and called
him names and accused him for sleeping
with the people who are like father figures
to us , I punched him again and again until
Steve and Bucky had to pull me away , I
was so angry I didn't realize Flash was already bleeding , but I didn't give a fuck
I don't care if he's bleeding , he's been Hurting Peter physically and calling him
names for years "let go of me!" I yelled
"Peter is not that kind of person what
you're thinking , he's the sweetest and
kindest person I've met , unlike you! You
are just a pathetic arrogant person who
wants to gain friends by ruining someone
and hurting them , grow up" I yelled

"Hey...hey Harley calm down , it's alright
he's gone now..." Peter said , oh crap...
"I'm sorry..." I said and looked down ,I
probably just embarrassed myself , he
hugged me "thank you" he said , I nod
"I hate that bastard..." I said "I know" he
chuckled and fixed my messy hair "Bastard!" Morgan yelled "Morgan no!"
"Morgan yes!" Morgan giggled , I laughed
and Peter hit my arm lightly

"are you alright Peter?" Tony asked him
"Yeah sorry about Flash ,
you too Bucky and Steve, I'm so sorry"
he said while staring at his feets probably
embarrassed "hey it's alright , it's that
fucker's fault" Bucky said "language!"
both me and Steve scolded him , we laughed "oh god...two Steves... Oh no"
"Fuckeeeerrr" Morgan said while running
around , both me and Steve glared at
Bucky "sorry?"

Peter's pov

"Hey Peter" I heard Harley say , I look at
him "ye-" he kissed me , Harley freaking
keener is kissing me , calm down...I can't
eeeeeeeeeeeee "I hate you" I said and
hugged him while burying my face on his
chest "I love you too" he laughed "Eeee
get a room" Mr.Stark yelled , we both rolled
our eyes "Peter and Harley sitting in the
three K-i-s-s-i-n-g" Morgan said making all
of us laugh at her

The end

1497 words , yaaaaz , I had fun writing
this story , also I'm sorry about Flash ,
it was too much , him accusing Peter
of sleeping with the Tony, Bucky and
Steve  I mean, I still hope you guys
liked this story , any  request? I need em ;_;

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