How could you Yolanda?

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Selena's POV

I wake up, my shoulder still in pain from the gunshot wound. I barely got any sleep last night. The only thing I could think of was why Yolanda would do this. She said she was my best friend, she made me love her and trust her but she ruined all that and for what? Well that's what I'm gonna figure out but of course not alone. I look next to me and see Chris sleeping, tears come to my eyes just thinking how if things turned out differently than they did yesterday right now I wouldn't be looking at Chris or even here in this bed right now. I lay my head on Chris's chest and close my eyes dreaming about Chris and how I was so close to never seeing him again.

I sit up and rub my eyes and look at the time 10:45 am. I look to my left and see a note from Chris on the nightstand.
Hey love, I went out to get breakfast and I'm hoping I'll be back before you wake up but if I'm not good morning beautiful and I'll be back soon💕
Love you!
I smile at how cute he is.

Oh! Someone's still there. Before I opened the door I stopped, because I realized how it shouldn't be anyone in my family because they all have a key (I don't think that's true but go with it for the story) but it could be a fan who heard about what happened.
I open the door and look up. Once my eyes meet the other person eyes but my heart stopped and my eyes widen.
"Y-Y-Yolanda?" I ask scared from remembering what happened the day before.
"Hi Sel, can we talk?" She asks hopefully

What do you think should happened? Should Selena let Yolanda in or should Selena tell Yolanda straight?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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