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Hermione's POV:

"This was such a bad idea!" Ron groaned as the sirens kept going off. The second we landed, there were hundreds of death eaters waiting. They got notified we landed and now they were searching for us.

I held on tight to Draco's hand as we ran through yet another building. We were trying to get them off our trail...it wasn't working. We had already knocked a few death eaters out, but there was no way we were going to fight through them all.

"Agh!" I squealed as someone grabbed me from behind.

"Shh child! Quick in here!" I turned to look at who the voice belonged to...but I couldn't believe what I saw. This man looked like Dumbledore...but it couldn't be. Before I could ask, Draco pulled me into the small home. Harry and Ron were quick to follow.

"Professor...?" Ron whispered as he looked at the man. I took another minute to observe him. There's no way it could be Dumbledore. This man did look like him, but he was different. His eyes were sucked into his skull, his beard fading to grey from brown, his body seemed quite healthy though. That's when it hit me. Dumbledore has a brother. I remember reading about it.

"It's not who you think Ron. You're his brother aren't you? Aberforth Dumbledore?" The man looked to me as the words left my mouth.

"Yes. You children are daft to come back here! They've been looking everywhere for you! You must want to die." He began pacing the room ranting about death.

"Hey Harry...I can see you in here," I looked to where Ron stood in front of a broken mirror with Harry's face in it. We all looked from Harry to the mirror, then to Aberforth. Harry began talking to Aberforth and I kept looking around.

I still had a tight grip on Draco's hand. Ever since we admitted how we felt to each other, which wasn't really that long ago, we've been inseparable. It's kind of scary to leave the ones you love during this time.

"Mione? Are you alright?" I looked up that the beautiful blonde and gave him a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm just tired of it all...sometimes I just want to run away."

"So do I love," he said as he kissed my forehead. Our moment of peace was interrupted by the sound of a click. The painting that had been hanging on the wall had popped open and there stood none other than Neville Longbottom.

"Neville!" I ran to him excited. It's been so long since I had seen any of my friends beside Harry, Ron, and Draco. Neville embraced me with a chuckle.

"Hey Mione, I see you kept the boys alive. But what's the snake doing here?" Neville ended his sentence with a sneer.

"It's a long story, but to shorten it, Draco has been a spy throughout this whole thing. He's been helping us." Harry said as he hugged his friend.

"Well if you trust him I have no reason to falter, but it'll take more than that to convince the others. Come on, I'll take you to them." Neville retreated through the tunnel.

As we were following him, Neville explained how things had been at Hogwarts. Snape was headmaster, which we expected, the Gryffindors were treated like scum. Apparently they had all be forced to stay in the room of requirement due to Slytherins breaking into their common room. But it wasn't just Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs that were on our side had to hide too. It wasn't long before we reached the end of the tunnel and a light appeared.

"Hey everyone! Look who I got!" Neville yelled to all the students below. Immediately gasps filled the air along with cheers. But it died down quickly when they saw Draco.

"Why is he here? That death eater belongs six feet under!" Seamus yelled. He of course had cheers to follow.

"Look everyone," I said as I stepped in front of Neville and Harry, "believe me or not, but Draco is on our side. Throughout this entire war, he was a spy for us. He fed information that helped protect us all."

"I doubt that fucker would ever do anything unless it was for himself." A student said from the corner of the room.

"It's true." Harry stepped forward. "As most of you know, Draco was tasked with killing Dumbledore. Instead of carrying out those plans, he went to Dumbledore and confessed. I was there. He told us everything. When it was all out in the open, the professor told him what he needed to do. We had to keep it a secret between the three of us...and Draco had to kill him." Hardy took a breath looking to see if anyone had anything to say, when no one spoke, he continued. "I was there when Dumbledore was killed. Draco couldn't do it. He was crying and over all a mess." Chuckles were heard from here and there. I slid my hand back into Draco's and listened to what else Harry had to say. "Snape came from behind Draco and killed Dumbledore. Draco is innocent of that crime. He has helped foil plans the death eaters had, and saved many lives."

"Its all true," said a voice from behind me. I turned to see Ron stepping forward. "Draco has helped save all of us. Instead of treating him like shit, he deserves as much praise as Harry gets. So today we forget the past and start now." I gasped at Rons words. He was defending Draco. "I'm sorry I didn't have more faith in you mate." Ron turned to Draco with his hand extended. Draco took it and they shared whatever kind of awkward hug it was. I smiled at them.

"Thank you Ron," I smiled as I hugged him.

Suddenly the sounds of running footsteps were heard throughout the room. I turned to see where they were coming from. All of the sudden, a head of red hair appeared in the crowd. I noticed and went straight towards it.

"Mione!" Ginny's screams of joy filled the quiet room. We met halfway and engulfed each other in a hug. "I missed you so much! I didn't know if I would ever see you again!"

"I'm her bloody brother and she goes to Mione first. Don't worry about me Gin I'm not dead either," Ron mutter from behind us. Soon Ginny moved to Ron and Harry. Soon my eyes landed on another person who had been behind Ginny.



Blaise and Draco ran full force at each other. They were happy. Like two brothers reunited.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I don't know if you know this or not, but I've always had a thing for Red," Blaise nodded towards Ginny who was talking to her brother, "I thought that if I'm risking my life, I might as well tell her how I feel."

I gasped. This was not something I expected at all...then again I'm in love with the same boy who taunted me for years.

"How did that go?" Draco asked.

"Better than I thought. I figured she'd punch me or hex me with one of her famous hexes, but she didn't. She told me she didn't know how she felt yet, which is understandable since I did kind of spring it on her, but she's figuring it out. She forgave me. Said she was going to think about it all."

"That's nice. I'm happy for both of you," I said as I squeezed his hand. He seemed so nervous. Maybe because of Harry. A lot of people always assumed Gin and Harry would end up together, but they were soooo wrong. Harry and Astoria were madly in love. There's no way he'd ever leave her.

"Hey Zabini!" I turned at the sound of Ron's voice ringing through the air. "If I can forgive Draco, I can forgive you. Just...are you sure you like that?" He pointed at Ginny. Ginny punched him in the arm in return.

"She can still hit like a man, that's for sure." Ron muttered.

I looked around at all the students, stuffed in this one room. So many broken souls. Kids too young to be in this cursed war. All these children were malnourished and obviously saddened by what was happening. We needed to do it. Now.

A/n: I kinda wrote this while I had been working on two hours of sleep all day...lord help me. Anywaysssssss tell me you're thoughts? I know it seems like it's getting close to the end, but I think I'm going to try and make it go one for a while. Idk we will see. And if it ends up being short oh 🐳. I have other stories I'm working on so let's hope those are long! BTW I LOVE BLINNY MWHAHAHHHAHA

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