Her Life Source

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    Newt perched at the corner of the couch, crossing his legs adequately, reading. Usually, he would have preferred reading in his case, but there was a quite specific reason he chose to sit in this particular spot. The couch was the closest place, that was actually comfortable to sit in, to the door. He could have sat right in front of the door, but there was a chance that he would get slammed by the door in the face, get kicked in the face, or be questioned face to face. He didn't want any of that to happen.

    Now, the reason he was sitting near the door should be completely obvious. He was waiting for her of course.

    He was waiting patiently and in anticipation... This was the most agitating time of the day, but the waiting built up to the best moment of the day; the coming back of his beloved Tina.

    He continued reading, and surely, she came home. He stood up to greet her with a smile, and she flashed a smile back while giving him a quick hug. This brief moment of physical touch had become a normal greeting between the two by now, but because they weren't together, they still reddened in the face when they did so.

   It was a typical day, and Newt loved this new type of typical day that he got to spend with the Goldstein sisters.

    Queenie was fixing dinner, as she always does at this time, and today, Jacob had come to visit, so it was more lively than it usually was. Newt would have not enjoyed the more action and noise, but when Jacob and Queenie were together, they were happy, and it was as if they're happiness flowed into him as well. Spending time with these wonderful people brought smiles to face, everyday, unlike before. It was almost... magical.

    While adding the finishing touches, Queenie flicked her wand to set the table with the utensils, but her soft smile that was always graced upon her lips shifted to a frown, and she turned to face her sister. Tina cringed slightly as Queenie scowled at her accusingly.

" Not hungry? "

Queenie said, taking out the exact words straight out of Tina's mind.

" Hotdog. Again? Wow, Tina. "

Tina shrugged and without meeting Queenie's eyes, she spoke in a clear voice, almost mischievously,

" What? I was hungry. Plus, hotdogs are my life source. "

Jacob tried, and failed, to suppress sniggers, and with a smirk, Tina sent him a nod of acknowledgment. Queenie rolled her eyes, and muttered,

" So unhealthy. "

" Unhealthy? "

Tina repeated mockingly,

" If you can roll under a magical barrier as gracefull as I can, I'm pretty sure that you can be considered as healthy. "

" Fine, you don't have to eat then. "

" Aw. Queen's pouting. Like she does in the middle of the night when she has nightmares- "

    Tina stopped midsentence to grin at Queenie as she widened her eyes and blushed. It was quite rare to see Queenie flush in any type of way (unless she was irate) so this caught Newt and Jacobs attention. Queenie tried to hide her embarrassment and sat down with a calm expression. She flicked her wand to bring the meal that she made to the table while flashing a quick glare to warn Tina, but this quick glower of warning must have done the reversed effect because Tina strolled over to Queenie's chair, leaned against it and stated,

" In the middle of the night, when Queenie has nightmares, she asks for me to sleep with her. At this age. "

Then she tilted her head upward to smile at Newt,

Anything For You; Newtina One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now