Time To Duel 2: Electric Boogaloo

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I just got bored and wanted to make some custom duels with custom cards, don't ask.

"So Shigaraki lost." Said a dark figure.

"Indeed sir, and what's more, he lost to the duelist class's bottom student, Kaminari!" Replied his messenger.

"Is that so? Perhaps we underestimated these people then, I guess I'll have to go clean up."

"Are you sure you want to do this?!" Asked the messenger.

"Of course, Shigaraki was the biggest obstacle here. With him out of the way, the symbol of duelists, Yagi, will be dethroned by me: Kai Chisaki!"

"... And with Flames of the Successor, I delivered the finishing blow to Shigaraki, securing the victory!" Kaminari finished with pride.

"Yeah yeah, we believe you." Laughed Sero and Mina.

"No! I'm serious guys! I was the one who took down Shigaraki!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Denki! You lost a match to Mineta, Fricking mineta! Do you really expect us to believe you beat the guy who took out our class's strongest duelists alone?" laughed Jiro

"O-Of course! Midoriya! Todoroki! Tell them I'm not lying!" Kaminari exclaimed, grabbing the two by the collar.

"Well... I can't exactly say you did it all by yourself... I mean, over half your deck were cards you salvaged from us..." Explained Izuku, "But at least you tried your best?

With that, Kaminari slumped into his desk.

"Not even my own friends are siding with me..." Cried Kaminari.

As the school bell rang, Kaminari stumbled out to the school's courtyard, bummed out that no one recognized his dueling prowess and that he totally flunked that test. Just then, his phone rang. It was Izuku of all people.

"Hi Midoriya, what's up?" Asked Kaminari.

"Hey Denki-san, I was wondering, you never gave me back the cards that you borrowed from me, can you maybe meet up at the convenience store and give them back to me?" Asked Izuku.

"The convenience store?" Asked Denki.

"Yeah, I went to get some chips and a few replacement cards for my deck. Since you took most of my cards even after you got them back from Shigaraki, I couldn't participate in the practice duels, and had to build a replacement deck from the ground up. Just meet me at the store's entrance, ok?"


As Kaminari's bike pulled over at the convenience store's entrance, he noticed a mysterious figures lurking by.

"What the..."

"Denki-san! There you are!" Izuku called out, startling him.

"Oh, hey Midoriya..." Kaminari muttered, noticing that the man started to stare at them, "I... um... Got you the cards you needed."

"Thank you so much Denki, I really appreciate it - Ah!"

Suddenly, the dark figure cut in between the two.

"So you are the one who defeated Shigaraki?" Asked the cloaked figure, revealing himself.

"Um... yes?" Kaminari asked nervously.

Suddenly, Kaminari noticed a duel disk on him, one similar to the one Shigaraki had.

"Wait... isn't that..."

"A V-Disk!" Izuku yelled, noticing it too and shoving Kaminari out of the way, "Look out Kaminari! This man may have affiliations with Shigaraki!"

The man chuckled at his speculation.

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