Chapter 27

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"Alright. We'll i'll leave you be. But Jason. If something's ever bothering you that badly from here on out. Talk to somebody. Doesn't matter who. Me, Cam, Lucy, Josh, Roselyn, or even Jenna. Just talk to someone. It makes things easier." He said. "Alright. I will. I promise." I said. "Good." He said with a small smile before he left the room.
PoV: Jason
After he left everyone else came back into the room. "Hey, you ok? You look like you've been crying." Cam asked sounding concerned. I let out a breath. "I'm fine. I promise. I just, had alot on my mind lately. And I just... well... let me start from the beginning. You guys are my friends, you desvere to know. The reason I've been so cranky, and depressed." I added. I then expalined everything to them. And they jast sat there quietly and listened.

"Wow, Jason... I had no idea. I'm sorry." Jenna said. "Jason, why didn't you tell me?" Cam asked. "I just didn't want you to worry about my pro-" I was cut off my Cam wrapping me into a hug. "Jason. If anythings ever bothing you tell me. I promise to do my best to help you anyway I can. Trough thick or thin i'll always be there for you." Cam said softly. "Cam?" I softly said. "Hmm?" He hummed in reply. "Thank you." I said, wrapping him in a hug of my own.

After a few seconds we relased each other from the hug and looked back at the others. "Ok guys." I started, my gaze moveing to the spell book in my lap. "I have an Idea!" I said, "Tomorrow we should start wprking on spells. This book is apparently a spell book. So... it should be a big help." I said. "Jason. I can help you learn. I was with your mother when she did these spells so I know how they work and I can teach you." Blaze chirped. "Yes! That would work. Blaze said he can help me learn how to do these spells!" I said.

"Oh! Also, I want to learn how to fly. I have wings so I might as well use them." I said. "Can you help with that to Blaze?" I asked. "Yeah. I'll try to help." He said. "Yes. Alright. We start tommorow." I said. "Until then... y'all want to go get food? I'm starving." I said. "Yes! Let's go!" Ruby said excitly. And so we all left the room. Me and Blaze were the last to leave, closeing the door behind us.

~~~Small Time Skip~~~

"So, Jason... Cam," Ruby started, as shr looked at both of us. "I know you guy's are mates but... are y'all dateing yet?!" She asked, rather excitedly. My cheeks started to heat up amd I knew I was blushing. "Oh... um... I don't know. Cam? Are we?" I asked. "Umm... I don't know. Do you want to?" He asked, he was slightly blushing but he wasn't blushing as bad as I was. This caused me to blush even harder. "Umm... yes. We might as well. I am your mate after all." I amswered, looking down, trying to hide my blushing face.

"Jason... you don't have to say yes because you're my mate." Cam said, putting alot of emphasises on the "my". "That is not what I ment!" I said.
"What I ment was I don't mind being your boyfreind. I actually kinda want to be." I said, mummbleing the last part to myself. Cams eyes lit up and he cracked a smile. "That makes me happy to hear." He said, hideing excitement in his voice. He was way more happy and excited then he appeared to be, most likely hideing it since we're out in public around other people mainly students, but I could tell that of he was in wolf form his tail would be wagging like crazy and his wolf would have been bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Aww," Ruby cooed, "that was so cute! And it's even cuter because pf how shy you both are when it comes to that topic! You're... both... Cinnamon Rolls!!!" Ruby said, excitedly. "What does that mean?" I asked her. "Umm, you know what never mind. Don't worry about it. But I totally ship you two. I totally ship Jam!" Ruby exclaimed. "Jam?" Cam asked.

"It's you guys ship name. Jason and Cam make Jam!" Ruby explained. Me and Cam shot each other a glance then looked at Jenna, who had been eating a sandwich this whole time, with a "is she ok?" Look. "She's a bit on the wild side sometimes." Jenna said before refocusing on her sandwich.

After we ate we all parted ways and me, Blaze, and Cam went back to our room. It was getting dark so we were getting ready for bed. "So... what is it that couples normally do?" I asked as I  pulled on a t-shirt to sleep in, I had already put on some sweat pants, and flopped down on my bed. "I don't really know." Cam answered as he sat on the edge of his bed.

"Blaze? Do you know what they do?" I asked, looking up at the bird that had perched himself on the head bed frame. "No,  not really. Sorry Jason. I can't help you with that." He answered with a small head shake. "That's alright Blaze." I said, then looked back at Cam. "He said he doesn't know. Maybe we could ask the girls?" I said. "Absolutely not!" Cam said suddenly. "Why not?" I asked. "They, Ruby esspaicaly will go crazy. Did you see the way she was acting, with all this shipping and jam stuff. She will legit go crazy." He said, half jokeing and half seriously. "Yeah, you're right." I said.

"We'll figure it our later." I said with a yawn. "I'm tired. Good night Cam." I said. "Goodnight. Sweet dreams Jason." Cam said in reply before he turned the light off.
AN: Yes! I smell a filler chapter in the future. One i'm excited to write. It will be about dateing and spoiler alert! Ruby ia going to find out. Anyway speaking pf Ruby... yes... she's ment to be a annoying character. But she's also ment to become Jasons future bestest friend. And i'm not going to say to much more about her but she's not just jokes and stuff she can be pretty serious too. She's kinda like Pinky Pie from my little pony only a tad bit smarter. (Although Pinky Pie is actually really smart.) Vut any way that's all for now. Next chapter won't be as big as Filler as this one. I made this filler chapter because I felt like my little beans desvered a break!

The Last Demon (A "The Last Angel" Fan Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon