Chapter 23

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Just as you launch yourself at Pepper she flies towards to with a snarl and T'Challa, Steve, and Natasha all gasp and backs away from where you two are going at it. Inside, Tony stops as he's pulling on his shirt and looks over at the nurse and asks, "What the hell is going on outside?" The nurse takes a shuddering breath and says, "Well, Mr. Stark, your ex-wife and your currently flame are having one hell of a fight it would seem." Tony blinks in surprise and then it hits him like a ton of bricks what the nurse just said and he gasps and hurriedly pulls on his shoes then sprints for the door with the nurse right behind him yelling for him to please come back. Tony completely ignores everything and everyone around him until he's finally on the ground floor looking out of the floor to ceiling windows at you kicking ass and taking names and he mumbles to the nurse who's finally caught up with him, "Did you find a little black velvet box in my bags?"

"You don't even know what you're getting yourself into do you, stupid little whore? You think that he really loves you and you'll get to run home to your mommy and daddy and brag about how Tony Stark is paying attention to you? Well, guess again! He loves nothing and no one but himself!" Pepper growls as she raises her arm to shoot flames at you and you quickly roll out of the way and grab a random bucket that is laying in the middle of the courtyard. "Yea? Well, it sounds to me as if you realized that Tony got over you quicker than what you wanted so you went and teamed up with Hydra to try and make him suffer for his mistakes. The only thing you weren't planning on was me surviving what you did to me in that hellhole you had me stuck in." You sneer as you kick her legs out from under her and then bolt for the fountain in the middle of the courtyard.

Natasha is chewing her lip as she watches to see if you need help or not, Steve is looking both dangerous and proud, and T'Challa is watching both the battle between you and Pepper and the Dora Milaje and Pepper's Hydra soldiers. You had just made it to the fountain before you feel something hot slam into your back and you grunt as you flip over into the fountain and you smile to yourself as you lie still for a few moments letting Pepper come to you as Tony about loses his mind inside the building as he sees you fall. "Aw, what's the matter? Is my new toy all done playing? Well, I'm not so get up! I SAID GET UP!" Pepper screams as she finally leans over the edge of the fountain to see where you'd disappeared to since she couldn't rely on her heat-sensing powers due to your outfit negating them. A slight chuckle escapes your lips as you rise silently up out of the fountain on the opposite side and you creep around the edge of it until you're right beside Pepper holding a bucket full of ice-cold water. "Looking for someone?" You ask causing Pepper to jump. She has absolutely no time to do anything except scream in agony as you dump the water over her head then reach down and fill the bucket a second time and throw the water directly at her glowing chest.

Tony is a sobbing, hysterical mess inside and the nurse finally just lets him go because there's no point in trying to keep him inside or calm at all while he's watching the battle going on. Just as she lets him go though he gasps and she turns to see what's going on then smiles and looks over at Tony and says, "It looks as though your true love has won." Tony nods and then sprints through the door causing Natasha and Steve to shriek and almost gives T'Challa a heart attack. "Tony?" Steve gasps as he finally manages to calm his racing heart. "Yea, it's me in the flesh and glory. Mind telling me what happened while I was out and how I got to be that way? I mean, don't get me wrong that nurse was a sweetheart but you can't bullshit a bullshitter." He says as his eyes never leave your form.

Pepper is now curled on the ground in the fetal position sobbing as you stand above her. "I'm going to make this perfectly clear so that no one here suffers from any type of confusion. I am going to drag you and all your soldier friends to NATO so that all of you may pay for any and all crimes that you have committed. I have a funny feeling that most of our more recent troubles with Hydra may have been a direct result of you feeding them information. On top of that, the Avengers and I can and will be getting a worldwide restraining order courtesy of NATO against you. You. Are. FINISHED POTTS!" You snarl as you grab her by the hair and begin to drag her towards the Dora. Okoye steps forward and takes Pepper from you and smiles and says, "It is good to see you awake. Tony has been very worried about you." You smile and blush then reply, "I know. I remember bits and pieces of him worrying over me. But speaking of him I need to go see him before he has no fingernails left." Okoye and several other Dora all chuckle and nod.

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