Chapter Six: The Dark Room

Start from the beginning

Dustin is commanded and threatened by those disjointed voices once again, this time to care for the Demodog by feeding it. "I said what do you want?! I don't understand?!" A deep echo voice replies,

⌇⌇⌇"To restore. I want you to restore."⌇⌇⌇

"To restore what?! What do you mean?!" The eerie voice continues,

⌇⌇⌇"Restore with food in other room..." ⌇⌇⌇

Slowly he turns the golden doorknob and the creaking noise of the door opening sends a chill down his spine as he tries to not alert the predator inside! His eyes squint around, the room is dimly lighted, he navigates the best that he can. He notices that the chartreuse monster appeared to be sleeping like a dog against the wall, he never slackened his pace, each small step took him closer, "Shit!" Dustin exclaims gasping as the monster slowly wakes up and crawls towards him and opens its carnivorous flower-plant mouth! The boy offers the creature to eat the food in his backpack from the fair last summer, but the monster starts to reject eating it. Dustin then says, "Oh come on, you have to eat something, and it's not going to be a cat this time!"

The monster then lifts its head up after eating a bit, snarling, before charging after Dustin like a bull in Spain! Adrenaline rushes through his veins as his heart beats faster and faster! Eventually, he makes it out, slamming the door shut again to trap the feral and now very much more active monster from escaping! Dustin's heart is pounding in his chest, the same rhythm as his ticking watch- *tick-tock*, *tick-tock*, *tick-tock!*

Due to his break up with El and his family drama, Mike has become a pretty unhappy and mopey boy, stuck in the breakup denial phase and dressing in a 'bitchin' attire consisting of the colour black. He puts on rags and ripped clothes and ruffs up his collar before looking in the mirror messing his hair up and grabbing a pair of dark black shades, he then heads downstairs.

Nancy and Jonathan continue working together over at the Hawkins Post, he is trying to develop one of his photos that he was suppose to have had done by yesterday, but is feeling really stressed over it! The room is silent with only heavy [sighs] heard from Jonathan out of frustration... Nancy then comes rushing in the room, accidentally leaving the door open, letting the light enter the 'dark room' and he frets over it, placing his hands over his face! She tells him that she'll go get him a chamomile tea from the staff kitchen to help calm him down. She gets there to open the cupboard only to be pranked by Bruce! He had done a sick prank on Nancy by placing a toy snake in the coffee room, "Did you find any more nature to write about in there missy?" Nancy frightened puts her hand on her chest and sulks before rushing out! Jonathan then enters and firmly stands up for her and directs at Bruce- "Hey! No one puts Nancy in the corner!"
Bruce then places down a yellow file filled with papers on a desk and instructs the both of them to come into one of the office rooms to state facts.
He sits in a big red chair and soon fires the both of them, (Nancy and Jonathan sitting closely together from across the table looking worrisome on their faces and fiddling with their hands) for being incapable of getting the work done, "Well, I've got news for you two, in some countries, they execute those who don't follow commandments, but I suppose here all I can say is... You're fired, the both of you!" Nancy exclaims, "What? That's crazy! We did nothing wrong!" Bruce agrees, "You know that it is crazy, for once we agree. You have done 'nothing'. I've never dealt with anything quite like it. Placing faith in something the two of you don't seem to value a whole lot: Orders! I tell you to do something and you don't follow through with it or you disobey to try and think you're what better than the workplace, yes dearie I know you answered that call." Nancy tries to interject, "but..." Bruce cuts her off, "We don't need incompetent people like you two working here now get out!" The Brown-haired boy then rushes out of the building and goes to comfort her outside, "Nancy! Nancy! Hey, it's okay." He holds her cheeks lovingly in his hands, she laughs and smiles back at him, their foreheads lean against one another as they close their eyes. He tells her that he thinks she is the best writer he has ever known, she is gifted and acknowledges her hard work. Nancy says the same to him regarding being the best photographer, they then hug crying over losing their opportunity.

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