Rim of the world CH.15

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"This is my street". Gabriel said

"Great can we go to your house". Alex said

"It's my house, But.... It's not my home". Gabriel said

"Look, I haven't been completely honest with you guys". Gaberial said

"I was in the mountains because.... I was in juvie, I escaped". He said

"Hey, Its okay..... We all have some up and downs that we have bothering us". I say

I hugged Gabriel and grabbed his arm to keep walking with everybody

We got in a house and we all make some sandwiches and we have some soda.

We sit in a circle and we eat our sandwiches

I was just sitting there barely was eating my sandwich just staring off into space.

ZhenZhen said "Hey are you okay".

"Yeah, I'm fine". I say

I see Gabriel take a glimpse at me and I look at him for a little before Dariush started talking.

"How did you end up in juvie". Dariush asked

"Well, Long story short, I had went to my mom's work and she stepped away to help a customer so I was at the register and he accused me of stealing from him.... Guess I gave him the wrong change so I punched him and that's what had happen. Gabriel said

"I've had a story too, My mom decided it was okay to is it go off and go on a date with this guy she meet off tender, Whatever the app is called these days, Anyway ummm... She got married to that guy... The one guy me and my brother hate. They got married than 2 years later they got into an argument he said it was my fault that I shouldn't have been born, So couple nights ago he.... Killed my mom, he started to punch me, Cut me, That's how I have these scars.... Then he grabbed a knife and he cut my mom and she died, If it wasn't for her I would have been dead, My brother Mikey was there when he hurt me and my mom he was just scared. But what i do know is that my mother is watching over all of us even my brother where ever he is. I'm just scared and you Guys know what I wouldn't  have made it here without you guys, You Guys made me strong.

I had tears in my eyes, I sniffled as we all hugged and than ZhenZhen took out her camera and and took a picture of us I held up a piece sign and Gabriel put his hands on my shoulders and smiled









Thank you guys so much for you time and for reading my stories I just want you to know that that you guys are amazing for reading my chapters TBH I don't even thing this is that interesting but THANK YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU TO BITS AND PIECES AND I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH🖤💛💜❤💚💙💛💜❤💚💙💛💜❤💚💙💜❤💛💜❤💚💙🖤💜❤💚💙

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