The move

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"Ugh mom really? I need to go do something." You were squirming in the back of the car. "(Y/n) your gonna live its about 20 minuets now." "REALLY?!?? FINALLY I CAN MOVE!!" You yelled. "Shhhhhh you are to loud." You didn't wan to move really, because you knew your one friend always made friends for a year and loses them but then gets new ones each year. You were they one who always was there. She was panicking when she heard you were moving. Your other friend was sad also but not like your first. Your best friend who panicked was (y/b/f) and your other was (y/b/f). You were sad because they were they best. At least you had their numbers. "Were here!" Your mom said snapping out of your day dream. You got out of the car and walked in. Everything was moved in already so you explored. You found your room and flopped on your bed. You had a big tv right in front of your bed. A shelf with all your video games and your stuffed animals. You had a soft spot and they were in it. You got out your speaker and started playing the song dollhouse. It was one of your favorites and the timing felt right. You heard the door open and people talking but you just put your speaker louder.

Hey girl open the walls play with your dolls. We'll be a perfect family.

When you walk away is when we really play. You don't hear me when I say Mom! Please wake up  dads with a slut. And your son is smoking cannabis.

No one ever listens this wall paper glistens. Don't let them see what goes down In the kitchen.

"(Y/N) TURN THAT OFF!" Your mother screamed. She hated the song because she knows that's what happened to dad...

Places places get in your places throw on your dress and put on your doll faces.

Everyone thinks that were perfect please don't let them look through curtains.

Picture picture smile for the picture pose with your brother won't you be a good sister.

Everyone thinks were perfect please don't let them look through the curtains.

D-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e I see thinks nobody else sees.

D-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e I see things nobody else sees.

"YOUNG LADY WE HAVE GUESTS!!!!" your mother was mad now. But she also knew you didn't want to move here. You wanted to be with your friends. A tear trickled down your cheek as you kept singing along turning your speaker up.

Hey girl look at my mom. She has it going on. ha! Your blinded by her jewelry. When you turn your back, she pulls out a flask, and forgets an infedendetly.

Uh oh! She's coming to the attic plastic. Go back to being plastic.

No one ever listens this wall paper glistens. One day they'll know what goes down in the kitchen.

Places places get in your places. Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces. Everyone thinks were perfect. Please don't let them look threw the curtains.

Picture picture smile for the picture. Pose by your brother won't you be a good sister. Everyone thinks that were perfect please don't let them look through the curtains

"Oh she's upstairs LISTENING TO HER MUSIC!!" She kept blabbering which made you turn it up so you could hear it outside.

Hey girl

you saw your door open a crack. Thinking it was your mom, you kept singing.

Hey girl open your walls play with your dolls we'll be a perfect family.

Places places get in your places, throw on your dress and put on your doll faces.

Everyone thinks that were perfect please don't let them look through curtains.

Picture picture smile for the picture. Pose with your brother won't you be a good sister? Everyone thinks that were perfect. Please don't let them look through the curtains

D-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e I see things nobody else sees.

D-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e I see things, nobody else sees.

You finished as you looked at the door. Two boys about your age were staring at you. One was a boy with a brown jacket and red poof ball hat, the other an orange jacket and a green ukshanka. They just kept watching you until a baby boy ran in and tackled you. Your door flew open and he hugged you. You smiled as you tried to sit up bit couldn't as he was a little heavy. The boy in the orange coat finally walked in "sorry ike can be a pain. My name is Kyle." He looked at you and smiled. You smiled back as the poof ball boy came in. "That's stan." "You sing well." Stan said. "Thanks, even though mom doesn't like the song, I still sing it."

Ok I should probs end it. I'll continue on da next part. XD

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