Framing Amai and Killing Kizana (with a little help)

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Taro and Osana walk to school.

"I'm really sorry about what happened..." Taro apologizes

"It's ok! At least you looked hot while doing it!" Osana says to Taro

They laugh

"I love you S-senpai..." Osana says quickly

Taro leans in and kisses Osana on the cheek

"Senpai~ Would you like me to make some cookies for you at lunch?" Amai sweetly asks

Taro looks at Osana and she winks then nods "Yes"

"Sure!" Taro responds

"Alright!" Amai says then skips off to the cooking club

"Perfect..." Osana says softly

She asks Kizana if she can join the club and Kizana answers in

"You can join the club if you die your hair purple by tomorrow!" Kizana says in a sassy tone

Osana goes to the back and puts on some gloves and heads to the Cooking club and sees that Amai is using a knife to cut some butter.

"Done~ now I have to put my secret ingredient~" She whispers to herself, she then does a air kiss to the cookie batter bowl.

She goes out of the club from the other door and steals the knife she used. She then texts Taro...

O: Meet me at the back of the school and tell Kizana to follow you so we can all have a "little chat" ;>

T: Alright, and a "little chat" ;D

"Hey Kizana, can you follow me for a bit I want to show you something cool!" Taro asks Kizana

"Yes Senpai! I will follow you untill the end of time!" Kizana says with some dramatic flare

Taro brings her to the back of the school.

"Hello Kizana..." says an insane Osana


"Shut up and stop moving..." Osana then  grabs Kizana by her waist and pushes her down to the ground


Osana then stabs Kizana over and over while covering her mouth with the white gloves that are slowly turning red.

She stops stabbing her and leaves the body and knife on the ground. Osana burns her uniform and gloves then changes.

While walking around school, a faculty memebers discovers a corpse. The faculty memeber immediately calls the police... (insert some other parts here)

Amai then gets arrested by the police for murdering Kizana

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