“Oh, that sound horrible” She says, giving me a sad look “Let’s get him checked out”.

She checks his heart rate and does the regular procedure that they do in check ups but in the middle of it, Griffin starts to convulse again.

“Oh dear” Dr.Morgan says and we all watch poor Griffin and wait for the seizure to run its course.

After it is done, she picks him up with a towel and hands him to James, who immediately takes him out of the room.

“Where are you taking him?” I ask.

“We have to do some brain scans to see if any damage has happened from the seizures, since he had 3 large seizures today, it should not be good for his brain health.” She explains before leaving the room herself.

We wait anxiously for what feels like ages until the vet tech comes back in holding Griffin followed by the vet.

“so unfortunately, the brain scans show lots of damage to his brain due to the large amounts of seizures that he's been having so sadly we have no choice but to euthanize him because he will not be able to thrive and live normally with the amount of damage to his brain at this point” The vet says, giving us a sad look.

I freeze after hearing the news. 
Memories of the time we shared filled my mind.

He might be just a cat but to me he is much more. He was my friend when it felt like the whole world was against me. And now… I have to say goodbye.

“Y-yes.” I say, trying to gain stability to my voice “i-if its the best option for him, then yes.. I dont- i dont want to see him in pain any more”.

“ I'm really sorry, hun, but it's for the best” the vet says, trying to comfort me.

James, the vet technician, brings out two syringes and two small bottles filled with solutions. 

I hold Griffin, knowing it is the last time I am able to, while the vet readies the first syringe.

Griffin moves his head, slow and tiredly towards me, a look of almost understanding washing over his blue eyes. As if he knows that his time in this world is coming to an end.

He purrs softly, doesn't even react as the vet injects him with the first syringe, which will sedate him. 
I watched tearfully as his eyes droop and slowly shut, the medication taking effect on his weak body fairly quickly.

“Goodbye, old friend” I say softly, stroking his head gently one last time as the vet injects him with the second syringe, which is what will cause him to pass away.


We head home after the ordeal.
I have a sinking feeling in my heart but I reason with myself that I gave the best life to Griffin that I possibly could and now he doesn't have to suffer anymore, and 15 years isnt bad for a lifespan of a cat with such bad epilepsy, right?

I sigh as I pack the last of my things into my suitcase, trying to force down the feeling of dread and sadness boiling at the pit of my stomach.

I shake my head and stand up, going around the house to pick up things for Misha, since he will be staying at Louis’ house during my time away at the field trip.

I put his travel bowl into the bag when i notice Louis standing behind me, worry swimming in his cobalt blue eyes. 

“Are you sure that you are ok, Li?” He asks with a frown.

I give him an unconvincing smile “Yeah, I'm alright, bit sad of course but what can i do.. Don't worry though, i'll be fine, i promise”.
“Everything will be ok..” He says reassuringly “ Now come on, we have a lot of things to do tomorrow… the trip is in 2 days. Lets go to bed, love”.

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