"R-really? So I was half-naked in front of Mori-san, and it was reserved for somebody I wanna to have sex with?" She exclaims.

Holy shit I was so shook I choked on my own spit.

"You know that stuff, Elise-chan?"I asked. She nods enthusiastically. "I kinda saw it in a monitor, at one of the rooms back at the headquarters!"

Holy shiitake she says it like it was nothing! Somebody cleanse this child.
She hugs the hat-wearing potato's arms.
"This Nakahara Chuuya-kun! I usually play with him back at home!"

So that's his name.

"Also, can I call you (N/N)-chan as well? Oh wait, I should give you another one!" She beams. "How about Scarlet-chan? Your hair is red, that should be good! I won't forget you that way!" She smiles.

"Aw, you're so precious, Elise-chan!" I squealed, pinching her cheeks.

Ozaki's looking at me differently now. I wonder why... Also, Mr. Potato Hat finally got some chill.

"Say, we don't usually interact with the Agency like this, so I have a request!" She says.
"Sure! What is it?" I asked.

"You and Dazai-chan are really close, so can you two be my parents for a day?" She asks.

Ranpo is smirking. He's behind me, but I can feel it. Atsushi froze once more, Yosano was choking on her water, and Kunikida looked like he was about to lecture Dazai on what to do.

"Of course, Elise-chan~!" Osamu smiles. He glances at me. "That's is, if your mom wouldn't mind~" He smirks.
"Who said I'd say no?" I smirk back.

Naomi looked like she's gonna fangirl herself to death. Fukuzawa and Mori simply chuckles.

"Can I go out with them, Mori-san?" She gives him puppy eyes. "Since you're being so adorable, I will allow it, Elise-chan~" He smiles.

This guy is a pedophile, that's for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if the room Elise was talking about when she accidentally saw porn for the first time was his.

Elise was happily conversing with Osamu and I, but there's another kid glaring at us. Or at Osamu, at least.


"Crouch down daddy, I want a piggyback!" She said. He obliged, chuckling. "Sure, but who's gonna carry mommy, then?"

"You know, I don't know if they're acting their part, or they're just treating each other normally, except the mom stuff.." Kaji said.
"That's actually how they treat each other." Shiro replies.

Jesus Christ, I didn't even notice him come in.

"Seriously? They're like a married couple! That's an everyday thing for you?" Michizō blurts out, receiving a light whack in the back.
"One shouldn't judge one's way of affection." Hirotsu said.

Thank goodness Mori introduced his members to me, it would troublesome if I have to make a bunch of nicknames for these people, like Detective Gramps, Regina George or Edgy Teen, maybe even call her brother 'Angst Incarnate'.

Kyoka suppressed a laugh. Everybody glances at Tanizaki and Naomi, who were busy bonding.

I glanced outside, and flinched, looking at Osamu running full speed around the streets with Elise on his back. I hope she doesn't fall off...

"Anyways, I applaud you for the fight yesterday. Your ability lets you equip weapons and armor, yes?" Ozaki said.
"Yes. You're really good at hiding your intentions, judging from that fight.." I said.

"You knocked out an executive with one hit, you must be really strong then." Gin said. "N-not really that strong..just lucky?" I stuttered, fiddling with my neckwear.
"Well, the thing is, I don't think anybody can do that with sheer luck.." Higuchi said.

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