Hot and Cold

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Dabi stayed in the background during Shigaraki's entire announcement.

For once he remained silent, while Shigaraki determined some rules for their newfound housing.

Dabi usually tuned out during meetings that he classified as unnecessary, since he would find out about its topic through observing the goings-ons over the day anyway.

This time, however, his thoughts didn't provide him their usual, comfortable silence. The scenario of their car drive, snapped back to him constantly.

He decided to listen to the on-going announcement, as it seemed to be the only way to escape the overwhelming fullness of his mind.

Shigaraki must had informed himself about other places the league could stay at, since he knew the exact structure of the warehouse.

He explained that the building had been abandoned for several months by now.
The storage areas were divided into plenty of smaller rooms and blocks.

'The warehouse was guarded all day long, therefore it has got a large bathroom with a few showers in it, ' Shigaraki said, looking through the round of people in front of him.
'I guess, the guards had to do night shifts, that's why there is such a room.'

'Must've been something valuable, if they had to look after it all the time,' Twice mentioned, attracting the others's attention.

'Oh, oh, can we look for the mysterious treasure, please?' Toga jumped up and down, clapping her hands together in excitement.

'Everything of value has probably been stolen already, but we'll search the building nevertheless,' Shigaraki answered, as he jumped off the stack of boxes he'd been sitting on. 'Look out for anything that can be useful or... unwanted guests.'

  ×××       ×××       ×××       ×××       ×××    

Dabi intended to just find a quiet storage room and stay there, because sleep began to infest his eyelids as he felt the exhaustion of last night hitting in. However, if he refused to follow Shigaraki's instructions, his exhaustion would be the slightest problem to worry about.

He was sauntering through the halls aimlessly, as he didn't care about any belongings he might discover. Most of the storages were either empty or filled up with lots of junk anyway.

The only target Dabi strongly craved after, was a mattress, no matter in what condition.

  ×××       ×××       ×××       ×××       ×××

Although the warehouse wasn't that big, their raid used up the hours of sunlight.

They had just finished to barricade unnecessary back doors, sparing only a few emergency exits. Dabi thought he would get at least a break from that activity, but Shigaraki insisted to melt the doors's locks, so he ended up being the only one working.

As the last flames faded in his palm, Dabi noticed the heat that had built up inside of him. He didn't even notice he had been sweating the past minutes. Sliding the back of his hand across his forehead, he felt the sweat clinging to his skin.

He growled angrily and headed towards the block they had agreed to stay in. It was the closest one to the showers and offered enough mattresses, as it seemed to be the location the gone guards had been staying at.

Dabi's plan to collapse onto the next available mattress the second he'd see it, got destroyed by the condition he was in.

An exhausted sigh crossed his lips, when he finally reached the entrance to the showers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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