Kang Minhee: Coffeeshop

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Y/n's POV

"I'm so tired." My bestfriend Soyeon whined as we were doing our homework.

"Stop complaining, we've been working on this for only 30 minutes, how are you already tired?"

"Well, I'm sorry for not being little miss perfect like you Y/n. But can we do our homework at a coffeeshop? I'm really craving coffee."

"If we go, are you going to focus on your homework?"


"Okay, fine. Let's go." I said as we left my house to a small cafe.

       When we got there, we went to a empty table and set down our books and worksheets.

"What do you want to drink? I'll go order?" I asked Soyeon.

"An iced americano." She smiled.

"You didn't bring your wallet, did you."

"Nope. I didn't bring my wallet, but my bestfriend did. Now hurry and go order my drink." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, what would you do without me? This is your sixth time not bringing your wallet."

"Hurry! You're wasting time!" She rushed me.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" An employee asked.

       He was really handsome and his voice was so sweet. Which made me kept staring at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just think of what to get." I lied as I snapped out of it when he giggled.

"My friend would like an iced americano."

"And what about you?"

"Umm... I'm still thinking." I said as I looked at the menu.

"If you don't mind, I would love to make you one of my favorite drinks as a surprise drink." He said as he smiled.

"Sure, that sounds really nice."

"That would be $2.34."

"Shouldn't it be more than that? I ordered two drinks."

"Yeah, but your drink is on me. Since I don't know if you would like it or not."

"Thanks..... Minhee?" I said as I looked at his name tag and handed him the money.

"No, problem. Here's your receipt and your drinks will be ready in just a sec." He said and went to make the drinks.

       Normally I would go back to my seat and wait for my drinks to be ready, but instead I stood there while watching him make them. I was dozing off when suddenly he got burned by one of the coffee machines and cursed silently.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, this happens all the time." He hid his pain with a smile.

"Your drinks are ready." He put the drinks on the counter.

       There was an iced americano and a hot latte with foam on the top shaped as a heart.

"You should try it first to see if you like it or not." He rubbed the back of his nape.

"Okay." I said as I took a sip of the latte.

"Wow! It's really delicious! You did great on this drink!" I said with two thumbs up.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Well, I have to go give this drink to my friend now. She's really impatient." I waved bye and left.

"What took you so long? I could've finished running a mile by now." Soyeon complained.

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