28. The Rise of Felix

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Jeno and Jaemin Also is Bang chan and Areum unnie.....?"

"Channie? Unnie? Jeno? Jaemin? What happened??" Y/n asked scrunching her brows cutely

"Where have you been? Honey?" Was that? Mom?

Y/n looked at her left and there she saw the person who brought her life and made her

"Mom!! Dad!!!" She ran into their arms despite the forced engagement . Wrapping their arms around their beloved daughter...they forced her to get married to Chenle because they knew the loved each other since diapers

~ f l a s h b a c k~

"Hey honey...where's our little angel?" Jinyoung asked his wife with a little peck

"Oh she's in the yard...don't worry" Kathy said with a smile

"Ohh kat kat...~" Cheng Li or Mrs. Zhong called out her bff

" what is it LiLi?" She answers from the kitchen

"Hey sweetie have you seen-" Chang Min or as he prefers Mr Zhong asked his dear wife but shut up as she saw his wife nod

"Mum?" Chan came with his video game

"Hold on Channie" Kathy said to her son

"Yes LiLi?" She glanced at her bff she looked like exploding "what's the tea?" She sighed at her best friend's antics

"Our Kids-our kids!! GO TO THE YARD!!" Chang Li said and ran out the back door thats all Kathy need to hear to run out the back door but halted

"Min? Why are our wives like this?" Mark sat beside his bro with updates version on the Korea news..

"Husbands!!  Your kids are a couple!!!" The wives yelled while Chang Li and Kathy held cameras to capture everything and anything

"Oh sh-" they said in unison but stopped in case Channie will hear

They too ran to the yard and saw the most uwu sight they could have seen in their life time

"Le?" Y/n said with flushed cheeks "yes?" He said looking at her with a smile

"I like YOU!!" Y/n shouted with a flustered face "You what?!" Little Chenle yelled "..." they both sat in silence "a-are you mad at me?" 8 year old Y/n looked up to see Chenle coming closer

"Nope." 9 year old Chenle said with a small smirk "then why are you walking closer to me with a weird smile?" She looked at him innocently "because I like you too~" he hugged her tight and kissed her cheeks

"Dear jissos!!" Both husbands whisper yelled

"Mark Let's bring the inside before they scare the kids.." Mark nodded and dragged his wife away from the door Min not far behind

"Mom? Dad?" Channie looked at them questioningly "yes dear?" They said in unison which made them giggle "is my baby sis married?" 13 year old chan looked at his parents with a raised brow

"Soon when she's old enough" Mark said with a dreamy sigh

Just the thought of his elementary best friend and him run different companies as they both wished and the thought of  combining the companies together is just so incredible

Should I love her - Zhong Chenle ffWhere stories live. Discover now