"Spidey, so do we just kind of go inside?"Sasha asked him.

"I guess. Let's go."Peter said. The two headed for the door.

"Ladies first."Sasha said to Peter grinning so widely under the mask he could probably see it.

"I am a Queen!"Peter blurted out and pranced into the building. Sasha couldn't believe his reply and just bent over laughing loudly, Peter joined her. She couldn't stop. After a while she calmed down. She was breathing heavily.

"Let's just- let's just go..."Sasha said between breaths. She followed behind Peter into the dark building. They walked through the hall in silence. Every now and then they would encounter a guard. They would swiftully take him down.

Finally they reached a door. They both recognised the door with the strange readings. But there were two giant men in front of it. They both seemed odd, to say the least. They both seemed way to big for it to be normal. Sasha brushed it away and simply pounced on the one closest to her. Peter webbed to the other one.

Sasha grabbed his arm and threw him over her shoulder. He crashed into the ground with a loud sound. Sasha thought she was finished with him but just to be sure she hit him with her baton. She turned back to Peter.

"Looks like we might have that sandwich soon."Sasha said reaching for the door.

"Wait if there is such strange readings you might get hurt."Peter said worried for her.

"Spidey, I'm a super soldier I'll be fine."Sasha assured him. She yelled out as someone caught her leg and threw her back. She hit the ground loudly.

"What the hell he was supposed to be paralysed!"Sasha grunted. The man stood up again.

"Sasha he's too big for me to tie down when he's moving I need you to hold him down."Peter told her.

"Sure!"Sasha grunted out as she was being crushed by the man."Lemme just get this damn bear off me!"

She used her leg to push his back. Grabbing his head she smashed it down onto the floor, knocking him out.

"There you go! Quickly, I don't know if he'll get up."Sasha told him. Peter webbed the man up.

"Let's do this!"Sasha said going towards the door.

Sasha attempted to open the door but it didn't want to move. With a sigh she kicked the door in with her metal prosthetic.

She stepped in. Raising her head she gasped at what was in front of her.

There were hundreds of cages with different animals in them. There was a multitude of tubes containing strange different coloured liquids.

"What is all this?"Peter asked as he stood next to her.

"I have no idea."Sasha said as she went up to a cage containing a group of bunnies. She put her fingers through the bars and the bunnies cowered back into the cage.

"It seems to be animal experimentation."Peter said looking at the tubes.

Sasha went up to the tubes. She stared at the labels in confusion. One tube of clear black silver liquid read, 'AnimalGene-01Liquid[Rabbit]'. Another 'AG-07L[Lizard]'. The list kept going on and on with different animals.

"What even is this? What the hell is that?!"Sasha yelled out. There were giant containers with different animal parts floating in a clear liquid. Clawed paws, antlers, horns, entire animal hind legs, even multiple bird wings.

"Why is that here?!"Peter asked placing his hand against his mouth through the mask. Sasha felt as if she was about to throw up. This was horrible. The wings seemed to be disproportionate to the animal they belonged to.

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