Summer Glow Up : Diamond Skin

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Okay first things first I'm not saying you NEED  to change yourself completely , we are working on enhancing your beautiful self.
Not transforming you into a different person.

You are beautiful the way you are and no one should say sh*t about it but if someone did , back yourself up . Do not let anyone get to you or get you to think that you have to change everything about you.

You have to do this for you and only you , not that guy/girl you want to impress or that cool popular group that you will die if you don't fit in with because popularity is the most important thing in the world.

And if you don't fit in , the rest of your life is ruined and high school is the reason you become successful.
(Note the sarcasm 🙄)

Everything has to be for you because people come and go but you will always have yourself.

So if you're happy with yourself no ones opinion matters even mine.

Now that we got that out of the way , let's talk about your glow up but if you are satisfied with yourself skip these chapter ( I wish I was one of those people 😂).

Now what defines a glow up ?, don't expect a teen drama movie glow up where everyone is like who is she / he  and the people that are mean turn nice also your crush falls in love with you but you realize that you like the person that has alway liked you.

Your life is not Netflix so walk up.

A glow up is a thing that will increase your confidence and is a little change for either permanently or temporarily.

For your glow up there are lots of thing you could tackle either all at once or specific things.

Each person has different needs and perspectives so your glow up should be in the places you want most.

1-Better Skin Care.

Since we are teenagers with all the stress and the hormones most of not all of us break out.

Some of us deal with acne or really oily skin also dry skin that flakes off and many more skin conditions.

Even if your skin is fine , you just want it to be radiant then work on it.

The first thing is not to shame yourself or call yourself ugly and even compare yourself to others because each person deals with different conditions and flaws in their perspective.

• go to a dermatologist , if you have an issue with your skin they should be the ones to help you after all they are the experts. They didn't go to medical schools for no reason.

Most of the time they will create a skin routine for you to follow or you would have to tell them your skin routine and products , then they will tell you what you should and shouldn't have in your routine.

If they don't go the product route most likely they will give you medication for your condition.

• create a skin care regime for YOUR skin.

You should know that 60% of the population is using the wrong products for there skin types. 

Most of the time people would just buy the products that are hyped up by social media or influencers even if it doesn't suit their skin needs or type.

Most people don't even know their skin type so if you don't know , go do the skin tissue test trust me just look it up and do it. Then you will have an advantage of knowing your skin type.

Get all your essentials and do both your night and morning routine and stick to it

I will put a picture on of the best order and products for both times.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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