Felix x Byleth one shot part 1 ( Lemon )

Start from the beginning

" The monastery is really beautiful at night.. I've never seen it from a distance like this before. " She said.

" I agree.. I wonder what the people of the village are doing now. It's so odd seeing people living there after it being abandoned five years time. " Felix spoke as he gazed at the village below.

" Perhaps a baker is baking, a woman is baring her breast to feed her child, a child is studying, and a woman is awaiting for her love to return to her. Possibly wondering, what is beyond that hill that over looks their little village. " Smiled Byleth softly.

Felix smiled in return, " Little does that woman know we are wondering what they are doing.."

Felix stayed silent as gazed to the side, Byleth took note at lifted her head from his shoulder to look at him. He faced her.

" What's wrong, Felix? "

He said nothing and put his head on her shoulder this time, careful not to put all his weight on her.

" This week is going so slow, I don't understand why. I just wish for us to be married already. I want to have my future with you. " He confessed.

Byleth's eyes became soft, " You have no clue how slow this week is going for me as well. Our wedding has been on my mind this whole week. I can't wait either, Felix."

He looked up at her, " Did you..have you..gods, this is going to turn out so wrong. "

Byleth lightly giggled, " What is it? "

" Was I the first man you've loved? Was I the first man to cross your mind, was I always a student to you? "

" You are the first man I've loved. In the beginning, I thought of you as a strong ally and comrade. I hope you know I never really thought of any of you as students but as friends since we were so close in age. But, you were the one who I fell in love with. If I haven't loved you, would I be your fiance as of now? "

Felix blushed, he was embarrassed, " Sorry, I was being foolish to ask such questions, forgive me. "

" The usually sharp tongued man is now stumbling over his words, what is it? "

" I love you, Byleth. "

" And I love you, Felix. "

He felt his heart flutter at her words, he hugged her close to him.

" Byleth, I know we are to be wed so soon but..I ask you this.. allow me to make love to you? "

Byleth's face grew warm but the love she felt for this man who like no other, " Is that what you wish? "

He nodded at her, " More than anything. "

She kissed his cheek, " Than make love to me, Felix. "

His heart started to pound greatly, he knew he wanted this but he didn't know where to start. He laid her down on her coat, gazing at her underneath himself. The moon reflecting off his eyes, he began to breath rigidly.

" I shall be gentle with you.."

He kissed her lips, taking it slow. He moved his lips against hers and when he was ready he slowly made his tongue into her mouth. He groaned slightly at the feeling of his tongue against hers. He had felt it before as they have kissed like this many times but this kiss felt different. There was more love to it than anything he had ever felt in his whole life.  He pulled away from her and began to softly kiss her neck.

" Felix.." She softly said as she brought his head closer.

Between kisses on her neck Felix murmurs, " Thank you.. for changing.. everything.. Fodlan, it's people and above all, me. "

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