Chapter 7

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"Albus hurry up! You will be late for your train" Harry bellowed.
"Coming dad.. Lily no... Don't eat those chocolates those are for Scorp"
"James? Where are you? Please tuck in your shirt" Ginny glared at him
"Mom I have to untuck it again or maybe Sharon will do that " James winked at his mother

James have a good number of followers specially girls . "The green eyes and the messy hair attracts them the most. Thank you dad for your genes" once James told Harry .

" James urrgh .. I don't want to hear your snog stories. Please don't be reckless."

So It's September first again . And its time for going back to Hogwarts . Harry and Ginny both wanted to be with Albus because its his first time in Hogwarts. Albus is more excited because he will again meet his friend Scorpius. There are some people you will meet at some point of your life , these people have some kind of an aura which will attract you maybe the person beside you won't feel the attraction but you will and eventually they will become your favourite person. Scorpius was like Albus's favourite person though they have only met once but there was something different about the boy which Albus likes the most . Plus Albus never had a huge number of friends like James . James and Albus are so different that some-times its hard to say that they are siblings.

"Dad will the good uncle with white hair will come today? Will he bring me chocolates?" Lily pouted and asked Harry
Harry actually had forgotten about Scorpius. Its Scorpius's first time too. And of course Draco will be there. ......
"Daaad... "
"Yes love Draco will be there!"
"So its Draco now Harry? I always knew you have a soft spot for Malfoy" Grinned Ginny.

Ginny and Harry they had become each-other's best friend again. Ginny is dating a hot American bloke who recently became the chairperson of Holyhead Harpies.

"Gin .. no Malfoy .. no .. I mean he is Malfoy at the end of the day he is a git only . Once a git always a git."
"Hmm... Don't hide your feelings for a long time Harry!" Winked Ginny

"Dad I am ready"Albus announced as Harry was about to open his mouth and could defend himself
"So am I " "Me too" . James and then Lily uttered .
"Okay then . Lets go"

The station was crowded as usual. Harry spotted Ron and Hermione with Rose and Hugo . George and Angelina was there with their son Fred. Neville and Hanna with their daughter. Seamus and Dean and their boy Henry . It didn't take Harry long before he spotted Draco . Perfect as always. As soon as Lily saw Draco she ran towards him . And so did Albus when he saw Scorpius. James bid farewell to his parents because his girlfriend Sharon was calling for him.

"Scorpiiussssss longg time mate" Albus screamed as he hugged Scorpius.
"Hi Albus... Dad this is my friend Albus . I told you remember . Albus this is my dad Draco Malfoy " Scorpius said in a very formal way and he kind of hugged Albus back in a very aristocratic way.
"Good to see you Albus . I remember him Scorpius. Thank you for introducing your friend to me"
"Good morning Mr. Potter and Mrs Potter! Hi Lily how are you?" Asked scorpius
" I am fine. And so am I" both Ginny and Harry said while smiling at the boy.
"Good uncle ... Did you bring me chocolate?" Lily asked Draco .
"Ofcourse . Here take it . Its my recent favourite. You will love it too"
And then there was the horn . Hurry up kids. Suddenly Albus stopped walking . He pulled Harry's shirt and asked "Dad what if I am sorted in Slytherin"The whisper was for his father alone, and Harry knew that only the moment of departure could have forced Albus to reveal how great and sincere that fear was.
Harry crouched down so that Albus’s face was slightly above his own.
“Albus Severus,” Harry said quietly, so that nobody but Draco could hear, and he was tactful enough to pretend not to listen “you were named for two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew.”
“But just say--”
“--then Slytherin House will have gained an excellent student, won’t it? It doesn’t matter to us, Al. But if it matters to you, you’ll be able to choose Gryffindor over Slytherin. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account.”
“It did for me,” said Harry.
And with that they heard final whistle.

"God! Malfoy was Scorpius your son ? I didn't see the sneer on his face " Giggled Ginny
"Yes Ginerva that's my son . Both Astoria and I we tried to make him a better person".
"He is . Malfoy . And sorry about that evening . I shouldn't have screamed at you. I was irritated by Harry. And clearly you know quite a lot about parenting"
"Its fine Ginerva. I deserved the bashing. Sometimes I wish I could just go back in the past and make alternative choices . I dont want my son to be me or my father". Plus Potter he is irritating and exhausting.
"You are a great father Malfoy" Ginny smiled
" Bye then Malfoy. Hopefully will see you soon "

"Harry I will take Lily to the burrow"
"Enjoy" Whispered Ginny.

"Is Scorpius always that well-mannered . You know kind of aristocratic Does he ever breaks his demeanor!" Questioned Harry as Ginny apparated away with Lily.

"Scorpius is a Malfoy Potter! " Draco sneered at Harry "Obviously he is not like that when he is with us but yes when we are outside .....
You know Potter It breaks my heart to bid Scorpius farewell. By the way nice speech huh! I never knew you could make up stories after all you are our dearest golden boy"smirked Draco .

"Hey I didn't make it up okay! The sorting hat sorted me in Slytherin first but I asked it to place me in Gryffindor"

"Why? Not Slytherin Potter"
"Because of you obviously . "
"Well maybe we could have become best friends or maybe more " Draco winked at him .
Harry's mouth hung open" Did Draco Malfoy actually flirt with him? Did me mean that.. oh my "
"Stop analysing my statement and move your arse Potter we have a project to complete".

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