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A small Saiyan girl ran to her brother's room and knocked on the door furiously, only to be met with a groan from the other side. A boy with black hair spiked up in a flame, a blue undersuit, white and yellow armor, and a red cape opened the door. He looked at the girl, one year younger, and let out another groan. "Ugh, Selere, what do you want? It is almost night and I want to get ready for bed," the boy asked his sister.

The girl with black hair bangs spiking out to her face with some spiking down to her elbows, similar armor, bounced. "I overheard there is a God staying here the night from some guards! I think they said he was a God of Destruction... isn't that cool!" She exclaimed with stars in her eyes. Her brother rolled his eyes. 

"Goodnight Selere!" he said, starting to close the door. "Vegeta, wait!" She cried. He stopped and looked at her, annoyance clear on his face. "Don't you want to investigate? See if we can meet him?" She smiled up at the heir to their father's throne. "What I want is to sleep!" Vegeta scolded, and slammed the door. Selere looked sad, but she took in a deep breath then started looking around the castle. She didn't care what her brother said; she was going to meet an actual God.

As the young princess ventured, she started hearing some voices she had never heard before talking. She turned the corner and saw an anthropomorphic cat in weird clothes, and a man with white hair that curled upwards who was tall, had blue skin, equally weird clothes, and a staff.  For a moment she just stared at them with wonder. I thought there was only one God. Wait till I tell Vegeta and Tarble I met two. The tall man with the staff seemed to notice her. "Oh, why hello there little one." The cat man just groaned.

"Ugh, Weiss, who is that?" he asked, slightly glaring at the small girl. She smiled and bowed. "Hello, I am Princess Selere, your highnesses!" The cat's look shifted from a scowl to a bit of confusion, then to a small smirk. The man beside him gave a small chuckled.

"It would seem this is the King's daughter, Lord Beerus. It would also seem that she has a rough idea of who you are, or at least what you are."  Beerus seemed to watch the girl as she stood upright again, amazement in her eyes. She seemed to want to say something but held back. After all, she was told that she shall only speak when spoken too.

"Yes, Whis, you seem to be correct about that. Tell me Saiyan, what is it that you are doing here. I was told that no one would come around my area." While Beerus looks mildly annoyed, his voice carried no emotion. Selere smiled more now that she finally had permission to talk.

"My apologies Sir, I was not aware this wing of the Castle was closed. I heard there was a God staying here, and I wanted to see for myself. Is it true you guys are Gods?!?" The excitement was overflowing in her voice, causing Whis to chuckle again. "Well, Lord Beerus is the God of Destruction, but I am merely his attendant. By the way my Lord, she may have an answer to your question. " Beerus nodded and looked down at the child.

"Tell me, Princess, did your father succeed in finding the most comfortable pillow in the universe?" he asked. Selere thought back for a moment, then smiled. "Yes, of course, your highness. He fought a tremendous battle and killed many, but he did find it. Of course, he wouldn't let my brothers nor I feel it. Instead, he just put it in his room." Beerus seemed to get an angry expression, scaring the young girl.

"Selere, are you sure that the pillow was put and kept in King Vegeta's room and is not in Lord Beerus' room instead" Whis talked before Beerus could scare the girl away. She nodded, and Beerus started yelling so fast Selere couldn't understand, then he stormed off towards the throne room. Whis looked to the girl as he sighed. "How foolish. I am sorry about that Selere. You better stay away from the throne room. I don't know what Lord Beerus may do. Thank you for your assistance," he told the girl before following after the seething God. Selere ran back to Vegeta's room, terrified.

"Vegeta! Vegeta you need to wake up!" she cried while banging on the door. An annoyed Vegeta didn't even take one step out the door before Selere burst, crying slightly as she recounted what happened. However, she was going too fast for him to understand any of it. "Come on, Selere, I can't understand you! What do you want!" She stopped and looked at her brother in the eye.

"Father is in trouble!"


By the time the two children got to the throne room, Beerus had his foot on King Vegeta's head, forcing him into a kneeling position. "Father is being humiliated. How can he take that? Just who is this filth?" Vegeta said to himself, watching with his sister behind the rock. Selere was too focused to hear him, let alone correct him.

"I consider myself a rather flexible deity. I know you mortals have your limitations," the two children heard the God start saying. "But there is one thing I cannot tolerate: the callous arrogance of those who do not pay a destroyer the respect he is due!" He used his foot to slam the King's face into the floor, causing cracks within the cement. Vegeta and Selere gasped at this display of power.

"I ordered you to find the most comfortable pillow in all of the universe, and I know for a fact that you obtained it. " Selere gulped out of guilt. "Your tenacity was impressive, although your methods a bit severe." The God finally removed his foot from King Vegeta's head, leaving him laying on the ground. Beerus picked up his head by the hair to make him face him. "I bet you don't even know how many creatures you killed in that raid. Of course, being what I am, I could have accepted all of that if you had given me the best pillow, instead of keeping it for yourself and trying to fool me with the second best." Beerus then attacked him, causing Vegeta to step back, making Selere turn towards him.

"Bastard... THAT IS THE KING OF ALL SAIYANS" He yelled, then charged at the God. His sister tried to stop him but it was too late. Beerus looked up, and less than a second later Vegeta was on the ground, unable to move. "Vegeta!" Selere called, making the God and his attendant aware of her presence. Beerus stood to his feet and began walking towards the girl, making her freeze in fear.

"It seems you mortals have no respect for a God, except for the girl." He commentated as he got closer. "While I could easily destroy the planet for your insolence, I think I will punish you in a less common way." Beerus was now standing above the quivering girl. King Vegeta looked up to see him standing above his only daughter and his look of pain and fear became one solely of fear. "As punishment, I will be taking this daughter of yours with me."

"My Lord, please don't. She is my only-" King Vegeta was cut off by Lord Beerus. "Is this boy on the floor not your heir? And even if something were to happen to him, it is my understanding that you have another son as well. With that in mind you should be grateful I am not taking more from you in punishment. And this will teach you the most important lesson in your pathetic life: never mess with a god." Beerus picked up the girl and knocked her out to avoid her squirming in his grip and crying. He then walked over to his attendant. "I think it is time we leave. After all, my generosity is wearing thin."

"Yes, my Lord," was Whis' simple reply. Lord Beerus went outside with his attended and they left, leaving behind the devastated Father and Son.

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