Chapter 1

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The roads of the downtown Brooklyn have always been extremely busy filled with lines of cars and traffic noise. The weather of the day seemed to be a quiet, sunny day and the whole city was busy preparing a grand show that would be held at the weekend.

"The Future" is the most anticipated show in the city that is hosted by Howard Stark to expose the world a small taste of the future and his proud invention. This entertainment was aimed to shadow the brutal and cruel outcomes of the war that was happening in the country by providing a hope for the future.

The three of them were sitting at a diner having lunch, Teresa looked around her surroundings as she continued to chew her food.

"Say Doc, how do you feel about coming to my show as one of the main guest?" Howard asks as he takes a bite of his food with his spoon with an anticipated look.

"Spotlight is something I prefer staying away from." Dr. Erskine replies with a smile.

"You will eventually be standing under it! Just for a few minutes? Teresa, help your brother out here and convince him. Teresa?" Howard asks as he looks at his sister who has been zoned out for quiet a long time.

Meanwhile to her, someone caught her attention. A fragile-looking, blonde man sitting three tables across them who was so indulged in a deep thought as he kept playing with his food. He was someone people would pity him because of his circumstances. She noticed a defeated expression on his face. Teresa couldn't help but think how unfair the world is in the midst of war.

"Would Project Rebirth be able to help these kind of people? I wish I could do something." Teresa thought.

"Teresa? What's wrong?" Howard asks worriedly as he sees his sister zoning out for a long time.

"Huh? Oh! I am sorry. Howard, what did you say to me?" Teresa snaps out and realizes what she has done.

Howard rolls his eyes with a slight annoyance and decides to drop the topic as he realized that there was no point of continuing the conversation. On the other hand, Dr. Erskine let's out a chuckle and shakes his head.

"You zone out very often Teresa. Be present." He smiles.

"I am so sorry. I was just thinking of something." Teresa apologizes with a slight guilt because of her habit of ignorance.

After a while, Howard decided to leave and gives them a nod as he buttons up his suit and starts to walk out. "So, I will see both of you at the weekend. Doc. Teresa."

The remaining two continues to eat and every now and then, Teresa would steal a glance and look at the blonde wondering if Project Rebirth could change his life?

Not too long, she saw a man who looked the complete opposite to the blonde joined him at his table. He was muscular and bigger. Even his facial expression was a happier one. She noticed how the newcomer was trying to cheer up the other guy.

"It is good that he's got a good friend." thought Teresa. She was enjoying the scene when suddenly both men looked at her together with a curious face while she was still staring at them. Instantly, she looked down and shoved some food in her mouth to avoid the awkwardness of the environment.

However, it was a mistake when she decided to take another glance at them and found them still staring at her. Her eyes widen with embarrassment but eventually became soft with a smile when the two men smiled at her.

"Teresa, I am planning to go to the registration camp and work on the project. Do you want to come with me or you have your own plans since today is your day off?" Dr. Erskine asks to break the moment when he catches Teresa zoning out again.

"Huh? Sure, Doc. I can come with you." Teresa replies, slightly embarrassed for being caught.

"Alright. We should leave then." Dr. Erskine suggested as he gets up from the booth. Teresa nods and starts following him taking a last look at the blonde man who was smiling assuming that his friend cracked a joke to cheer him.

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