"No I know something up I just need to figure it out"


"Am gonna go now... bye guys and don't worry too much Daniel..."

                 * about 2 hours later *

*Stephen was was walking to Jay's house to surprise him because he knows Jay stays up late so he wanted to surprise him *

Well am almost there...I can't believe I decide to do this at 1AM like seriously what's wrong with me and am really tried.

*Jays door opens*

Wait what's is Jay doing... am just going to hide for a bit to see what he's doing and knock on his door

*stephen watched Jay not go back to his house and instead see's him go far from here and go somewhere sus *

Wait where's is he going is not going back home? Does Jay work a night job but if he really did would he used his car?

*sees Jay stop*

Why's is he just standing their...

"I don't want to do this..."

So it is a night job?

*a van pulls up *

"What's up"

"Hey Zandra"

She looked in my direction.shit hopefully she didn't see me....

*stephen see the van starting and without much thought he climbs on to the van while on the top of the van trying to to fall*

Now that I think about this seem very wrong like late hours,black clothes, and a van. I don't think this is a night job...

*fast forwarding to the alleyway*

As stupid as it already sounds am hiding behind a stupid bush!

Anyway what does Jay have to do here..

*sees Jay slowly approach the man and attack the man with a knife.then Jay getting punch in the face then getting his shoulder stab.and seeing Jay snap and getting on top of him and stabbing him 10 times*

Stephen starts to cry from what's he is seeing and is terrified

*after the whole murder and cleaning up part*

Stop crying.. stop crying Jay's going to hear me shit!

Damm it I can't stop crying....

I hear footsteps coming... in my way?!? Shittttt omg what do I do fuck I don't know

I cry more knowing it was Jay and he's going to kill me

Footsteps stop. shit he found me.

He's right in front of me I started crying more.i didn't do anything too was too traumatized to do anything

"Your not gonna fightback.."

Jay started to saying everything in a scary tone

If I did anything anyway you would kill me...

"hehe....how sad you can't even defend your self ..."

Jay started touched me i jump a bit out fear i started to shaking


"hehe....I guess it time to go..."

Those words scared the hell of me I guess am g-gonna d-die

Jay gently got a grip on my face and gently lifted it to see my face


(Sorry I was really lazy and thought this is too much work)

*end of flashback*

{Jay POV}

Stephen finished telling his part of the story

Daniel really worried about me...am such a bad friend

"Okay now answer my question" Stephen said quietly but he also sounded mad.

"Am not allowed to answer anything Stephen" I said coldly.

Am mad but also sad I can't believe I tortured Daniel for weeks like that he's already pretty worried about other things and I just cause him more trouble

I sighed. Am I really that's selfish. You know what that's doesn't matter right not I have to protect Stephe-

"We're here now!" Some guy yells who also works with Eddy

My heart stopped. I have only been here when am punished.that what's going to happen but- am going to need Zandra to protect him I can't right now...

"Jay? Are you okay? You look worried or scared?...." Stephen looked scary from looking at my expression.

"Zandra am going to asked you to do something very important right now okay"

Stephen looks scary. While Zandra looks very worried. She nods yes

"Okay when am getting punished I need you to please protect Stephen with all you life" I said in a panic serious voice

"Alright I will do everything in my power to do so okay"

I can tell Stephen was confused but he knew something wrong was going on.

(1202 words wow again. I was in a rush to post this. Again am sorry if you see a mistake I made)

Jay x Stephen Danplan (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now