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EL WAS nervous the whole entire day right up until lunch. usually for the first day of school, she would normally worry about having friends that she knew in her classes so she wouldn't be a loner, having nice teachers, but no- now she had bigger things to worry about.

mike wheeler.

mike wheeler was her biggest worry right now. she saw him walking to his next class from across the hall when she was headed to her 3rd period class. just the sight of him and knowing that max was gonna make her actually talk to him at lunch was terrifying. but she wasn't gonna back out.

el knew that this was her shot. her shot to finally do something risky. these last four year of high school, el always played by the book. she never took risks because they scared her. she had never once asked a boy out, it was always boys asking her out. el could be crushing on someone for years and still never admit her true feeling. max knew she was like this, she knew that el wasn't a risk taker. max was very different, which is why her and el are best friends. el brings max back into reality and calms her down and max makes el more social and outgoing. they were the perfect duo.

el had lunch after fourth period and right now she was in fourth period. she had AP english and they weren't really doing much besides the teacher talking about themselves since it was the first day of school. el wasn't paying too much attention to the boring stories her teacher was telling because she was too busy thinking about what was about to happen in the next...oh shit! 10 minutes!

el's heart rate sped up and she tried to think of something else to get her mind off of it but it was no use. why am i so nervous? he's just a dumb boy...
oh don't kid yourself, he's not dumb. he's so smart...and handsome...fuck, he's never gonna like you, el though. el didn't even have that big of a crush on mike. sure, she thought he was cute and she knew he was smart, but she never talked to him enough to determine wether or not she had a crush on him. who knows, this could end up blowing up in her face and he could turn out to be an asshole.

el thought about all the possible outcomes and finally the bell rung. el took a deep breath before she stood up and collected her things. before she started to make her way to the spot where her and max meet up for lunch all the time. el's heart sunk when she saw standing max there, already with lucas...and mike. their other friends, will and dustin were there too. will and dustin never really spoke to el, mainly lucas' friends would just speak to max and el would just be there...just listening. she hated when lucas would come up to them- well, come up to max- at lunch because it made her nervous. lucas, mike, dustin and will were always together at lunch and when they would come up to them and only pay attention to max, it made el feel left out.

el sighed and continued walking. max glanced over and noticed el coming and immediately excused herself from lucas, who was the one she was talking to and started to make her way over to el. el calmed down a little bit when she saw her making her way over to her.

"dude," max started, "lucas and i have had two classes together so far, it's going good." max told her. el gave her a small smile and let out a breath. max's eyebrows furrowed she could sense el was nervous. "hold on." max said, stopping in her tracks which caused el to do the same. "are you nervous? about talking to mike?" max asked. el sighed and looked away from her.

"yes." el truthfully said, "i mean, what are we even gonna talk about? i just- i don't know how to keep the conversation going and i-" max cut her off, "el, you're overthinking." max said, "okay...calm down, take a deep breath." max said breathing in and el did the same. max released her breath and so did el. "he's. just. a. boy." max said slowly, "and i'm gonna help you out with him. only for today though." max said. "el, you're not socially awkward okay. talk to him like you'd talk to me." max said.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, mileven.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat