Chapter 1: I've always been...

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(Tsuki's pov)

I've always been emotionless...

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Well, not an actual alarm, it was just the sound of my parents slamming the door shut and going out for work. It was all the same. They slam the door at 6am sharp, I wake up and get ready for the day, my older brother leaves 15 minutes after my parents and I'm alone until I leave for school.

It was a bright and sunny day but all days were the same to me, no matter the weather or events.

I got up off my bed, walking into the bathroom to get myself cleaned up, dress into my school uniform and go downstairs. Just a perfectly boring routine.

My brother was in the living room, all set and ready to leave. But he hadn't left yet. I suppose that was strange since he usually leaves before I'm ready. But either that I got ready quicker than usual or he was going to be late for school on purpose.

And the second option was very unlikely.

My brother, Hoshi Hikari was loved by everyone. He is the most popular student in his school. Even if he does get caught for doing something bad, he always gets off the hook.

"Good morning Brother," I said without any emotion,

My brother looked up from his phone and gave me a smile. It's really rare for me to see someone smiling directly at me.

"Hey Baby Sis! You got ready early today!" he grinned at me. I looked at him, my expression never changing,

"Suppose I got ready quicker,"

"That's great! I need to go now," he got up, walked past me to the door, "See you after school!"

"Can't you walk with me?" I asked him. Even though my face and voice didn't show it, I was a bit desperate.

"I wish but I don't have enough time," Hoshi gave me a look of sadness.

I sighed, he always said that whenever I get ready earlier than usual.

"Goodbye then Brother,"

Hoshi went out the door and left, not saying goodbye.

I sighed again, about to leave myself. Until I saw something shiny on the couch. Coins. My father must have accidentally dropped them. I always liked it when my parents accidentally drop money. They never give me as much money as Hoshi for food. I only get enough to buy myself a small snack.

I grabbed the fallen coins and headed for school, ready to start another day of bullying.

It's fine, honestly. It's not like I'm actually affected by all the bullying, after a while, you kind of get used to it.

Why do I get bullied?

I'm Tsuki Hikari, also known as the 'Emotionless Girl'. I'm known for never showing or feeling any emotions. This is what freaked out people at school, causing them to bully me.

I never feel anything when they bully me. No fear, no pain, no anger, no sadness. I just stare at them with my dull eyes, which creeps them out even more.

To be honest, I don't know why I don't feel anything, my parents never bothered to take me to the doctors. When I was younger, I tried my best to feel something, anything. But now I don't bother trying, it's just a waste of time.

When I arrived at school, I was expecting the usual 'pushed into the lockers and laughed at' scenario that happens everyday. But to my supposedly surprise, there weren't that many students in the hallways. Oh right, I was early for once. All I got for this morning were stares and whispers about me. I don't care about them. To me, everyone is nothing but a grain of salt in the sea.

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