Book 1: Chapter 1

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At the age of one, Virgil lost his parents. A child can't like without parents! So~ He had to be brought to his Auntie's and Uncle's house.

On the wall of Privet Drive, number four, sat a cat. It had not moved for the whole day. It seemed to be, waiting.

At the sound of a 'pop', the brown and orange marmalade cat, turned her head. The pop was because a man had apparated next to her.

"Hello. Professor McGonallgol. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long" The man spoke with kindness towards the cat.

If you had blinked or looked away for one second, you would see that the cat had been replaced with a woman.

"I understand how busy you are, Albus" She stood up from her sitting position. "Where is he?" She looked Albus up and down.

"I entrusted Hagrid with the job of bringing him" Albus replied, calmly, even though he faced the cold stare of Professor McGonallgol.

"Are you sure that was... wise?" She was apprehensive of her words as she spoke.

"I would trust Hagrid with my life"

They was a sudden roar of a motorcycle, and they both looked up.

A large man was riding a flying motorcycle! He landed on the ground, safely.

"I have him, Professor Dumbledore" The large man had exited from the motorcycle, and walked over to the two professor's.

"Thank you, Hagrid" Dumbledore shared a soft smile towards the 'brute' of a man.

"Wait. You're leaving him with those muggles" She pointed to number four, of Privet Drive.

Dumbledore only nodded, and he took the small bundle from Hagrid's arms.

"You can't leave him here. I've seen how those muggles are" She tried to pry the baby boy from his hands.

He sighed and walked to the door. "They are the only family he has"

The older woman sighed. "You're right..."

When she looked over to Hagrid, the man was in tears.

"What's wrong Hagrid?" Dumbledore had made his way back over, and tried to comfort the other man.

"I'm gonna miss him" Hagrid said, sniffling.

Dumbledore rubbed his back. "Well... We best be going"

Hagrid nodded and got back in his motorcycle, McGonallgol apparated away as Dumbledore did too.

Magic and Hatred. It's hard to tell the difference [Virgil x Deceit] Where stories live. Discover now