While their fathers are distracted by a couple of Japanese businessmen, the two snuck away from the party, to the lobby. Wonho pulls out a card from his coat and shows it off to Hyungwon.

"Whoa! When did you get that?!" Hyungwon exclaims, and snatches Wonho's new driving license out of his hand. He looks at it in awe, studying the information printed on the card with his cousin's picture right next to the wordings. Wonho grins proudly, "This morning. Oh, and I also have this," he says as he pulls out a small remote from his pocket.

"WHAT?!" he snatches the key to the new Prometheus Challenger from his cousin.

"It's a present, for passing my drivers test."

"I can't wait to get mine," Hyungwon says enviously.

Wonho chuckles, "It won't be long, but till then, wanna go for a ride?"

"Is that even a question?!" he answers. Wonho giggles and leads the way to the basement of the building, where his new car is parked. The boys turn to each other giddily as the car unlocks automatically when Wonho approaches it, and when they entered the car, Hyungwon takes in the luxurious scent of the brand new, black leather seat. They might've own the company that made this vehicle, but the excitement of being in a new car still gives the boys butterflies in their stomachs. Wonho presses on the engine button, and the car vibrates lightly and silently, coming to live.

They drove around the city for a while, thrilled to finally be able to go to places without a chauffeur. The Challenger was turning heads wherever it goes, just like the two boys that are riding in it; being the heirs to a rapidly growing company and being so good looking, there's never a shortage of girls and even women that would try to get close to them.

Wonho swerves in and out between lanes, driving recklessly and making Hyungwon nervous, "Hyung, slow down."

Wonho glances over to his cousin, "Why, you scared?" he teases Hyungwon. He turns at the junction and enters a parking lot of a club they've always gone to. Typically, only those of age 21 and above are allowed to enter the venue, but the boys being who they are, rules need not apply to them if they decide that they belong in there. They parked the car at the VIP lot and nods at the muscular bouncers as they walk into the massive room with booming music, colourful spotlights and an ocean of party goers bouncing along to the beat, some holding bottles of beer in their hands as they dance.

Hyungwon stays at the bar while Wonho heads straight for the dance floor, since he doesn't drink. Within minutes after he started dancing and grooving to the music, a girl approaches him and is dancing really close to him. He smirks and pulls her towards him as they move to the beat. Hyungwon, witnessing all that is happening, is not at all fazed. It's so typical for girls (and sometimes even guys) to flock towards Wonho wherever he goes. He turns to the bartender and orders himself a drink. He scans the room as he takes tiny sips from his Jack Daniels; he likes to people watch. Eventually, a group of three girls sitting beside him started talking to him. He smiles and chats with them.

Once in a while, there would be a small gap between the songs; something that Hyungwon notices. It's not very obvious, in fact, it's barely noticable if you don't pay attention to it, but Hyungwon did. He realizes that it only happens when they switch DJs, so he'd turn towards the DJ booth whenever he hears the small gap between the music. DJ Randall's beat are heavier and more dubstep-like, while DJ Dorian prefers ethereal sounds with a dash of electronic and house. He can already recognize each DJ of the club by their music styles by now. He can even predict which DJ would come on after the current one has done his set of music. Which is why he was intrigued when a new style of music plays over the speakers. It's too light to be DJ Randall, not as upbeat as Dorian's, and definitely not as structured as DJ Verse's music. He turns towards the booth, and sees a slim figure, her headphones supported by one hand and pressing on the straight, waist-long hair, while the other hand navigates the turntable skilfully, making sure the sounds and tempo is exactly how she likes it. She bounces on the booth along with the rest of the crowd, smiling wide and hyping up the dancers in front of her.

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