"Let's go now class is about to start" Yuri said

We were about to get on our way to our classroom when Hajoon grasp my arm, startled by the sudden action grabbing the attention of my friends again. "Oh hajoon, you scared me" I said as I punch his shoulder lightly. "I'm sorry haha, I forgot to ask you number," as he reached out in his pocket "Can I get you number" I nod my head in response, we both exchange phones. "I'll text you where we should met up" I said as I gave his phone back. "Okay, I'll get going now" He smiled while giving me my phone back.

"Who was that, I mean no I know who he is, but why did he ask for your number" Nako asked

"Hajoon asked me out on a date" I proclaimed while I was smiling bright unknowingly. We all parte eventually since we have to go to class now.


Wonyoung POV

Yena, yuri, chaewon and minjoo unnie went back to their respective class, we aswell returned back to our class

"Chaewon-unnie was smiling, well I've seen her smile brightly but it just feels so different"

"What do think will happen to her and Minjoo unnie?" Yujin asked pouting her lips

"They'll figure it out soon" Chayeon retorted, as we gave her a confused look. What does she mean about they'll figure it out soon.

"I just hope Minjoo won't be sad about it" Sakura added


Minjoo POV

"Be sure to answer you homework, also please do study for your exams. Class dismiss" Our teacher said leaving the room. (a/n: Honestly I'm just gonna fk with timeslips so don't mind it)

"We'll be going first, bye~" Yuri waved at us while she drags yena outside the classroom.

I quickly grab my backpack so Chaewon and I could go home already.

"Minjoo, wanna join me eat ice cream" Quickly stop from my tracks and turned my body to face Chaewon who asked me out, not really.

"I want chocolate ice cream!" I was overly excited upon hearing ice cream, Chaewon let out a chuckle, who doesn't like ice cream.


"You got mint choco ice cream?" I asked with a furrowed brow, it may seem like I am judging her which I am.

"Why, it's good" She retorted trying to feed me a spoon of her ice cream, I immediately declined her offer saying "No thank you, it taste like toothpaste" pouting my lips, as I feeding myself. "Are you really going to go out on a date with Hajoon" I felt like I needed to ask her that, she looked at me and grabbed a tissue wiping the side of my lips "You eat like a child you know," she said continuing to wipe the rest of my lips after saying "and yes, Hajoon seems like a gentleman."

I'd be lying if I wasn't disappointed with what she said, but she looks happy with her decision I'll just support her with it, that's all I could do.

~~~~ (a/n: I'm fast forwading sht alot now btw if you still don't get this "~~~~" that means I'm fast forwading the scenario :3)

Chaewon POV


"I'll cook us ramen, if that's okay with you?"

"Mhm" well I didn't expect for her to just reply to me bluntly, anyways I didn't let that bother me and went over to cook ramen. I was scrolling on twitter while waiting for the ramen to cook, that I didn't notice minjoo already took a bath. After some minutes the ramen was cooked, it was perfect not soggy of course cooking ramen was the only thing that I can cook.

"Minjoo-yah" I called out her name to let her know that I was done cooking, i heard a minjoo's door creaked. The things that we needed was already prepared thanks to minjoo who was helping me.

"Dig in" Gesturing her to eat lots

"This is surprisingly good" She said, giving her a smile

"Of course, I cooked it" I proudly showed off dusting my shoulder like it was nothing. Minjoo giggled at my actions, "I'll wash the dishes this time"

"Okay" A short reply, I was busy texting Hajoon he kept on sending me funny memes, ends up me laughing as minjoo look at me like I'm weird. "Hajoon keeps on sending me funny pictures" I said to clarify her on what's going on. I noticed how her expressions changed when I mentioned Hajoon but I didn't ask her why it may ruin the mood more, she's already emitting a gloomy aura it's best if I let her be.

"I'll go to bed now" quickly leaving her alone on the dining table.

Hearing the water flow indicating that minjoo is now washing the dishes. I couldn't sleep knowing that she's still awake, i went outside my room peeking at her direction.

"I help you clean up" I said reaching for the sponge starting my work, we didn't talk somehow it felt too awkward to talk since she was gloomy earlier i couldn't initiate the talking which ended up us not talking at all throughout the night. After we were done I waited for her while she was drying up her hands. "Goodnight" Minjoo finally let out a word as she was walking towards her bedroom, I immediately wrapped her into a warm backhug

"Goodnight, princess"

As I slowly let go of her and went inside my room to sleep, I couldn't look back at her to see her reaction but all I know is I enjoyed hugging her.

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