★✩𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿 | 𝗗𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸✩★

Start from the beginning


   "See a wile, ya' thwart. Am I right?"

   "I- Broadly. Actually, I encourage humans to do the actual-"

   "But the Antichrist has been born. But it's the upbringing that's important the influences. The evil influences, that's all going to be me. It'd be too bad if someone made sure that I failed."

   "If you put it that way-" Y/n says looking towards Crowley who had moved to the sofa across from her. "Heaven couldn't actually object if I was thwarting you."

   "No. Be a real feather in your wing," Crowley says. 

   Y/n looks into his snake eyes. She truly loved Crowley's eyes . She reached across to him with her hand out. Crowley took her hand shaking it then kissing it gently on the top.

   "We'd be godparents, sort of, overseeing his upbringing. We do it right he won't be evil. Or good. He'll just be normal."

   "It might work!" Y/n smiles. "Godparents," She whispers happily. "Well, I'll be damned." She laughs.

   "It's not that bad when you get used to it." Crowley says smiling back at her. Her smiles drops almost immediately.

~Five Years Later~

~Six Years Before the End of the World~

   Crowley stands before the butler of the American Ambassador, his long red hair styled to fit women, and he is dressed in a beautiful black ensemble wit ha little red bowtie. He holds an umbrella with a green parrot on it, and his black sunglasses perched on his nose. He speaks with a soft, feminine Scottish accent.

   "I understand you need a nanny," Crowley says to the man.

   Y/n arrives on the other side of the house. She is dressed in a light tan dress with a small apron. Her hair pulled up into a bun with a blue bow. She smiles and speaks with a West country accent.

"They do say as you might be looking for a gardener," she asks.

   Young Warlock runs out to Y/n who is working in the garden placing around some leaves being as there where no flowers anywhere in site.

   "Oh! Young master Warlock!" she exclaims seeing him come running to her. "You're growing fast," she shifts the basket in her hands, whipping her hands on her apron. "You must be all of, um..." she messes with the little boy.

   "Five. I'm five. What's that?" the little boy asks pointing at something. Y/n looks and tosses some food from a pocket in her apron at the pigeon in front of the two.

   "That's brother pigeon. And Brother snail." She points to a snail on the ground. Gently she picks up a slug from the grass. "Oh! And sister slug." Y/n rests down in the grass in front of the small child. Her hands holding the slug softly before setting it in the grass.  "Now, you remember young Warlock, as you grow, to have love and reverence for all living things." She turns to the boy pulling a small flower out of one of her pockets, the blue hue of the plant complimenting the child's clothes. She hands it to the boy, and he takes it smiling at her.

   "Nanny says, living things are only fit to be ground under my heels, Sister Fran." Y/n chuckles lightly.

   "Well, don't you listen to her. You listen to me," Warlock runs along to play. Y/n sees Crowley in the window and smiles at him lightly and continues what she's doing. Turning back to the plants in the garden making sure they all grow properly. She holds her hand in her pocket pulling out some seeds and placing them on the stairs for the birds.

   Later  in the evening, Crowley dressed for his nannying position. The demon sits on the edge of the boys bed as the child tries to fall asleep. "Will you sing me a lullaby, nanny?" Warlock asks.

"Of course, dear," Crowley sings gently. "Go to sleep and dream of pain. Doom and darkness, blood and brains. Sleep so sweet my darling boy. You will rule when Earth's destroyed."

"The gardener says that I must be kind and nice to everybody. Even sister slug. And she touched it! And not ever destroy the Earth." Warlock says, sitting up in bed. Crowley gets closer to the boy, his normal tone of voice arriving when he speaks.

"Don't listen to her. Listen to me," Crowley leaves the room once Warlock goes to sleep. He walks past Y/n in the hall. Her apron covered in dirt.

   "I don't think I like dirt much," she says softly to her demon friend as he walks past.

   "You'll be fine," Crowley responds handing her a wipe. "You have some on your nose." The demon points to the side of his nose. Y/n takes the wipe and tries to clean off the dirt.

   "Thank you," she says putting the wipe in her apron.

   There are many doors that will take you to Heaven or to Hell. But when Crowley and  Y/n report in an official capacity to their respective head offices, they take the main entrance.

   "Tell us about the boy, Warlock," Beelzebub says walking into the room full of demons. The fly demon stands before Crowley. Crowley's hair pulled back, and his long black sweater covering his arms. He puts his hands into his jean pockets before speaking.

   "He's a remarkable child, Lord Beelzebub," Crowley responds.

   "But is he evil?" Hastur asks.

   "Fantastically evil."

   "Killed anyone yet?" Ligur asks.

   "Uh, not yet, but there's more to evil than just killing people, eh?" Crowley nervously responds.

   "I suppose. But it's fun!"

   "Have you encountered any problems from the- opposition?" Beelzebub asks, flies flying around his head.

   "They don't suspect a thing."

   "I am proud to say that on a very real level, the Antichrist child is being influenced towards the light," Y/n smiles to the other angels. Gabriel stands before her, his grey suit contrasting everyone else shades of tan.

   "Very commendable, Y/n," Gabriel says, clapping to the female angel. "Excellent work, as usual."

   "Yes. But Y/n, we will be most understanding when you fail. After all, wars are to be won. Not avoided," Michael says.

   "But I won't fail. I mean, that would be bad," Y/n says.

   "Y/n, what you're doing is praiseworthy, but obviously doomed to failure," Gabriel says then chuckles. "Still, as the Almighty likes to say, 'Climb every mountain. Ford every stream'." The angels walk away from Y/n as she processes what she was told.

   Y/n sits on a bus, she holds a newspaper in front of her. She is not really reading it, just thinking while she waits for Crowley to join her. The bus makes a stop and the demon climbs onto the bus. He walks to the back sitting behind her.

   "The boy's too normal," he says in her ear, giving her chills.

   "Excellent. It's working," she says happily. "The heavenly influences are balancing out the hellish. A no-score draw."

   "I hope you're right. Only six years left to go."


   "Yeah?" he answers softly.

   "I mean," she takes a brief pause in her sentence as she nervously breathes. "If he comes into his full power, how do we stop him them?"

   "I'm sure it won't come to that," Crowley sits back in his seat. Y/n sits waiting for her stop. The thoughts racing through her head as she waits. The fear of the anti-Christ coming to his full power plaguing her mind.

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