Care Homes in UK | Should You Consider A Care Home or Home Care?

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There's no denying that these days there's an emphasis on people staying in the community rather than receiving help in a residential care home. That's all very well, provided that individual is able to stay at home. Or even wants to. It's not easy living alone after a spouse passes away, for instance, and that's where the companionship found with 'live in' can prove a much-needed boost.

Moving into residential care

In the main, care homes are available in two different varieties. There are residential care homes where individuals 'live in' around the clock with personal care provided. This includes help with dressing, washing, toileting etc and meals are provided. Staff at the provide regular entertainment and there's always the opportunity to chat with others in the home, as well as staff. Family can visit their loved one regularly and often, and in private since all residents are provided with their own room. Couples can be placed in a room together.

The second type of care home is a nursing facility. Here you will find 24-hour nursing care provided as well as personal assistance with washing, dressing etc. In some cases, the help provided is specialist. There are, for instance, a number of dementia residential facilities opening up around the UK. The type of nursing care and activities planned here differ from standard nursing homes since the emphasis is more on mental than physical stimulation.

Pros of residential care

There's always someone around to ask for helpIt's easier to make new friendsAll household chores, including meals, are taken care ofThere're usually trips planned and a variety of activities to get involved inThe fear of getting broken into isn't an issue

Cons of residential care

It can be expensive in comparison (but there is LA financial help in a lot of cases)Pets may be bannedSome people prefer their own company to always having people around

Remaining at home

Home care is, as the name suggests, when an individual remains under their own roof and receives visits from care workers throughout the day at particular times, such as morning, dinner time and evening. These are usually for 20 minutes at a time and, as with a care home, these involve personal care duties, as well as shopping, meals made and some light housework. Individuals have access to a 24-hour alarm system to alert a care team in case of a fall etc.

For many individuals they like the feeling of independence that remaining in their own home gives them. However, the downside of that is having different people in the form of carers (effectively strangers at first) coming into their personal living space.

Pros of home care

The feeling of independence an individual gets through being in their own homeHaving friends nearby and staying in familiar surroundingsGetting to decide on the care and support package

Cons of home care

Effectively having strangers (at first) coming into the homeLonelinessHaving to find a place for unsightly equipment, such as hoists etcResidents are on their own and at risk if they can't reach an alarm

Of course, each individual is different but the above is just some of the issues that need to be considered when choosing further care for yourself or a loved one.

To find help in finding an appropriate and high-quality nursing care home bed near you visit our website today.

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