Chapter 24

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Hii frnds,
Thank you so much for your votes and comments of the previous update. Here is the next chapter. Hope you guys like it. Eagerly waiting for your views.

Just took a break from my studies and quickly typed this chapter. Please ignore the mistakes guys. .

Next day morning

Khushi opened her eyes frowning because of the sunlight. She rubbed her eyes and then stretch her hands. And sat on the bed.

She looked at the other side of bed which is empty since the last few months. Khushi gently caressed his pillow. Her mind drifted to her memories.


Arnav is looking at khushi who is sleeping with a pout. He gently caressed her hair and kissed her forehead. Khushi frowned and rubbed her eyes.

When she opened  her eyes she was surprised to find arnav who is smiling at her. "Arnavji...".she pouted..".you always do this...Every time you woke up before me..."

She loves to play with his hair when he is asleep. But her laddgovernor doesn't give her that opportunity often.

Arnav chuckled seeing her pout. He pecked her lips. Khushi looked at him wide eyes as her cheeks turn crimson red. Arnav nuzzled his nose with her.".because I love the way you wakesup". He kissed her eyes"..first you rub your eyes like a baby..".he took her hand in his.."then you stretch this beautiful hands of yours. "..he kissed her hand..all this while khushi is breathing heavily because of their close proximity. Arnav sealed his lips with her making her hands went to his hairs. .

Flashback ends

Khushi took the pillow and hugged it close to her heart . "I need you Arnavji. .....I can't bear this anymore. ..our baby needs you."..she cried burying her head on the pillow. .

Khushi is walking downstairs as swetha called her for breakfast. She was lost in her thoughts. She is sure that it's her arnavji. Her heart can't lie to her. But she is confused about he presented,  which proves his identity as varun.

Abhi and varun already sat down for breakfast. Khushi slowly walked to them..swetha smiled seeing khushi.

She makes khushi sat on the chair and starts to serve. Khushi looked at varun who is sitting opposite to her. He just smiled at her and continues to eat.

Is he really my Arnavji....she examined his face..he looks exactly like arnav. Only difference is that there is a little scar above his left eye brow.

Seeing khushi lost in him varun raised his eyebrow making her snap out of her thoughts.

Khushi looked at the plate before her. She took a piece of aalu paratha but suddenly arnav's memory hits her mind. How many times he feed her..he always does that..

Her eyes turn red with pain. Swetha watched khushi who is lost in her thoughts.  She puts her hand on her shoulder. "What happened bitiya..why are you not eating.." she caressed her head.

Khushi hugged swetha tightly and buried her head in her stomach." I can't maa...I don't want to eat.." she whispered.

Swetha looked at abhay and varun. "Think about your baby need to eat for your baby.".she tried to convince khushi.

Hearing about baby khushi starts crying." ..arnavji doesn't even knows that he is going to be a father." .she said in between her sobs..swetha and abhi's eyes turn moist seeing her pain.

Suddenly varun gets up. "Excuse me..I need to make a call." He rushed to his room without waiting for their reply.


Khushi is sitting at the poolside.  She touch her stomach..".baby...I feel varun is my Arnavji...don't you feel the same....I don't know what to do..".she smiled remembering her arnavji." Your papa is the best dad in the world. No one can love you like him...".she cried and caressed her stomach..."you pray to devimayya to return your papa....she won't hear my prayers..."

Someone knocked the door. Khushi’s turned to find varun standing there with a tray..

She looked at him confused.

Varun walked inside and placed the tray on the table. " friend is a doctor...when talking to her I mentioned about your condition. So she suggested me to give you these foods.".he pointed to the tray which is filled with fruits and other healthy foods.

Khushi nodes her head. "But I don't need this."

Varun sighed. "Just looks at your condition. By seeing you like this no one can say that you are pregnant. This will affect baby.. " he walked near her.".what will you do if it affect the will blame yourself for all your life...what if. .." he paused for a moment. ."what if your husband returns one day...he will also blame himself for causing you pain. "

Khushi looked at him intensely hearing his words. Varun gulped seeing her gaze."..if not for for your baby.." he said. 

Khushi nodes her head. "I will eat later. You can go..."

Varun smirked hearing her. "Do you think I'm a fool. I won't go anywhere until you finish it....and don't think that calling your maa you can escape. I already took permission from her".

Khushi rolled her eyes seeing his stubborn nature.  "Ok ...fine.".she said and took the tray in her hands.

She sat on the bed and slowly starts eating. She instantly likes the food. All of them were prepared according to her taste. Varun leaned on the wall and watched her with a smile.

Aditya walks around his room frustrated. What will he do if he is arnav. What will he do if arnav reveals everything.  He groaned in frustration.

"No he can't be arnav. He can't be..." he whispered...." even if he is arnav there is no evidence to prove anything. I destroyed every evidence."

A knock disturbed his thoughts. He turned towards the door to shout on the person. But shocked to see varun standing there with a smirk. He slowly walked to aditya with his hands on pockets and stood right in front of him.

Aditya gulped seeing his glare on him.

How is it frnds ...

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