Potions & Pill Bottles

Start from the beginning

"No, I just wanted to tell someone about my problems. Besides you're not going to be any help," Strange said, as if it was obvious.

"I know but hey!" Bucky said, offended.

"Are you not just going to tell me I should tell him and that's it's okay to love someone and it should be celebrated?" Strange asked, annoyed.

"No, that was about all I had planned to say, you can go I guess." With that Strange left through the portal leaving Bucky, once again, stunned and confused on his bed.


The guys were all strewn around the arcade for their group date. Bruce was currently wandering the bottom floor looking for Thor in the crowded rows of games. He spotted him over by one of the giant claw machines. Bruce slowly made his way over to Thor, wanting to admire him for a moment before he did so. 

"Hey," Bruce said, leaning against the large tank.

"Hey," Thor smiled widely upon seeing Bruce. Things hadn't exactly been awkward since the kiss but they had been different. Both men were hurting a bit lately. Thor was disappointed Bruce was just caught up in the moment and didn't really want to kiss him, just whoever happened to be there and Bruce was upset that he had kissed Thor and was still worried it was going to ruin their friendship.

The two stood in silence. Not awkwardly. Just enjoying the other's company. Thor fidgeted with the large claw machine and Bruce laughed as he struggled. Steve stood with Bucky a few feet away, no one was watching and Tony had walked off to go get him and Steve something to drink. 

"God, they're so oblivious," Bucky laughed.

"And obvious," Steve smiled back, annoyed with their friends' ignorance to each other.

"You still have that bear I won for you?" Bucky asked as the two watched Thor and Bruce blush and giggle at each other obviously in love.

"Oh, of course. It's in my closet," Steve laughed at the memory.

"You managed to fit it in there?" Bucky asked, knowing why he had to keep it in there but choosing to ignore that.

"Somehow," Steve laughed. He saw Tony leave the concession stand through the cracks between the machines. "I better go."

"Stevie, wait," Bucky grabbed Steve's wrist, his hand sliding down into Steve's as Steve turned back around to face Bucky. "I can't keep this from you. Tony's cheating on you with Quill."

Steve's face fell. He seemed to shake the hurt off quicker than most but still seemed shocked.

"I'm really sorry Stevie, Strange told me the other day," Bucky said softly. Steve sighed and wrapped an arm behind Bucky's shoulders, kissing him on the forehead. Bucky lightly put his hands on Steve's hips, comforting him. 

"Thanks, honey," Steve said, pulling away from Bucky and heading over to Tony.

"Wait, you're still going back to him?" Bucky asked, not bothering to hide the hurt in his voice. 

"Yeah. I'm sorry, Buck," Steve sighed sadly. 

"Jerk," Bucky sighed after Steve, letting him leave.

"Punk," Steve smiled back toward Bucky. Bucky stood there and watched as Steve walked back to Tony and kissed him. He didn't understand Steve's reasoning for this and didn't understand why he would stay with Tony but he supposed that Steve had a good reason.

They looked happy. Steve was staring down at Tony and Tony was rambling about something that made Steve laugh. God, that laugh. His laugh sounded so pure to Bucky. He could listen to it all day long and practically did everything in his power to do exactly that. 

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