Bakugo Katsuki x Reader - Fireflies

Start from the beginning

       It had been nearly an hour before you returned, his clock read 11:15 pm and he noticed that you were now carrying a glowing jar. Being so far away he couldn't tell what was in it other than flickering light but he again had to refrain from moving closer to the window to get a look. Your quirk didn't have anything to do with creating light so this only interested him in your situation more. Though after you had entered the building he refused the thought of leaving his room to confront you. That would mean admitting that he had noticed you leaving ad coming back and he refused to acknowledge that he cared one bit.

       This went on for some time, he would watch you leave ever night and come back with the same jar of glowing light. His sleep schedule now became accustomed to staying up until you came back every night. He always made an excuse for himself about it, never actually thinking of the fact that maybe he just cared about what you were doing literally EVERY night of the week.

       He had enough at about the 17th time it happened... not that he had been counting or anything like that. He waited at the entrance to the boy's side of the dorm ad you walked right past him. He waited a few seconds after you had walked out of the building before following you. He followed behind you for about 15 minutes before you moved past the tree line and into a clearing. It was the same one where you and the rest of his dumb classmates help picnics on the weekends but it was now quiet and he could see little sparkling orbs flying around.

        You moved into the clearing as sat under the single tree that inhabited it. Bakugo didn't go past the treeline in his fear of getting caught so he just watched you. Before he knew it there were floating lights all around the clearing. It took him a few moments to realize they were fireflies or lightning bugs as some people would call them and he finally came to the conclusion that the jar you brought home every night had fireflies in it.

       He felt stupid, he had thought of some of the worst scenarios when he watched you leave school but this was not one of them. You left the dorms every night to simply enjoy nature and him being an idiot thought you were off meeting some boy from the other classes.

       Feeling more like a stalker now than ever just standing there staring at you as you stared at the bugs with the jar empty behind you he turned to leave.

       " I know you're there Bakugo one of your talents is not stealth no matter how you excel at everything else. " he stopped short as your voice rang out over the clearing.

       He was practically frozen. " You're not very covert, " you continued " maybe if you're going to watch me through the windows you shouldn't sit pressed up against the glass. "

       You had seen him??? He was sure your eyes had passed right over his dorm each time but maybe you were a lot sneakier than he thought.

       He turned around and walked past the remaining trees and into the pale light of the clearing. " If you noticed me beforehand why didn't you just say something? " He asked. There was no point trying to come up with an excuse especially if you had seen him all the previous times you had left.

       You brushed off his question " They are very pretty arent they, where I lived before we came to the dorms was so populated that they were a rare sight. " You finally looked over at him and he decided that one of the few things he didn't hate was the way the light from the bugs reflected in your eyes.

       " Come sit with me, there's no reason for you to be standing there, this is the best place to watch them from. " You said eyes drifting away from him and back to the fireflies.

       He didn't know what he was doing, he should head back to the dorms and get some rest but disregarding that he strode over to you and took a seat leaning up against the broad base of the tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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