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[Y/n's Pov]

I put down the towel I used 'refreshed'
I smiled while going through my social 'i wonder..if kazuki has one' I giggled at my question and typed his name "oh..he does~" I said out loud
I looked at his photo 'oh my..' I blushed a bit because he had no shirt on (ooc ik) 'cute' I smiled and put my phone away

[Kazuki's Pov]

I sighed while dropping my bag on the floor "what a day.." I walked into my room to get my school uniform off

[Y/n's Pov]

I watched television for awhile on the couch, I looked over to the clock to see it was already midnight "midnight already?" I turned the TV off and went to get ready for bed "I wonder how it's going to be tomorrow.." I thought I should hang out with kazuki tomorrow since my jealousy got to me yesterday

[The Next Day]

I jumped up from my alarm going off
I pushed the button and got up to do my business, I yawned while tying my up bow "I'm all good!" I went to my door and grabbed my school bag then left to go to school
While walking I saw kazuki walking alone so I joined him "Mind if i walk with you?" "..no..so.. your feeling alright?" "Hm?...oh! Yes..it might've been something I ate!" I lied.. although I don't like to lie I had to or he'll question me "that's good.."

So.. since I'm feeling 'better'..wanna hang out?" "Sure.." I smiled at him
"Well..I gotta go to my first class" I waved bye to him while walking to my class


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