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It's been almost a month since we made it to the surface.

And since... Many of my friends and family were reduced to dust... Even humans turned to dust... Nobody understands or can figure out what has happened.

After what happened to Asriel, Toriel and Asgore had gotten back together in an attempt to look after me and to look after each other, I can't imagine the pain they're going through, especially since they had only just gotten him back...

After Sans and Gasters death, Papyrus had been effected horribly, he doesn't know what to do anymore and doesn't appear to want to leave the confines of Gasters lab, and hasn't spoken to anyone since, who knows what he's been up to down there...

Undyne was also left unstable after Alphys'
Death, she became a police officer, however lacks the happiness that she had previously shown, it's obvious why though, she's a mess, however she has become a lot stronger than she had before...

Monsters have lost what little recognition they had, with Muffet, Grillby and Mettaton all gone... only thing we have left is Toriel's school,  and with the humans blaming the monsters for what happened to everyone seeing as it had happened so soon after we had left the underground, a very small amount of parents dare to send their children there.

The head of the A.M.D., Jessica Grey, had also been killed by whatever it was that caused all of this and with the death of his son, Ronan Cass took over the roll, he seems to not care for monsters at all, and I guess it's up to me to make sure he changes his mind, with all who have passed, working together is the only way we can keep up a working society. I can't allow things to get worse than they are now.

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