First Impressions

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The next day, I didn't feel like my feelings from last night had dampened at all, I still felt a little dizzy, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.
I was too anxious to sleep on the way to the Demon Kingdom, the only things keeping me awake was the adrenaline and my fighting spirit to protect Yuri at all costs.
It was all I had, but I just kept rehearsing everything mum taught me about fencing.
Since Conrart and Yuri were concerned, they made me sit in front of Conrart, while Yuri sat behind us, so they could keep an eye on me.

"Are you sure you're alright, Rina?" Yuri asked, tilting over the side to see me.

I smiled at him, "Yes Yuri, for the hundredth time, I'll be fine. I'm just trying to adjust to the situation, you don't normally go to another world, especially to find that your younger brother is the awaited 27th Demon King".

"I guess that's true. It still feels unreal to me though" Yuri exclaimed, as he looked ahead of us.

"You and me both, my little July" I said, teasingly.

"Hey, what have I said about calling me that?" Yuri replied, annoyed.

I laughed a little, "I wasn't the one who named you, Yuri~".

I glanced up at Conrart for a second, who was smiling at our sibling banter, before looking back over at Yuri.
Yuri whined since he didn't have a comeback, I laughed again with a cheeky grin.
The day went by from small talk to teasing, at one point a sweet little girl gave Yuri and me some water.
She was so cute!
It wasn't long until it was late afternoon and we were getting close to the Demon Kingdom.

"Alright, Yuri. You have to ride on your own now before we reach the Great Demon Kingdom" Conrart stated

"Wait, why?" I asked, worriedly.

"Everyone is waiting for His Majesty, it wouldn't be right to see him riding on a horse with one of his guards" Günter explained, calmly.

I looked over at my confused brother then up at Günter, "I suppose, that makes sense...maybe".

"I'm sure it's gonna be fine" Yuri reassured, sheepishly.

The next thing I knew Yuri is rampaging through the Kingdom because his horse got scared by a bee.
It was a shame we couldn't see the Kingdom, leisurely, but we arrived at the castle I looked up at it, curiously.
We arrived outside, it looked so intimidating it was difficult to keep myself from trying to stare it down a peg or two for trying to think it was better than me in some way, as silly as it sounds.
Suddenly, I heard someone sounding amused, I looked down to find Conrart looking at me with a closed mouth laugh, with a warm smile.
I blushed and looked away, annoyed.
Conrart leant me his hand, I turned to look at him again and shyly took his hand.
He gently helped me down from the saddle, we didn't stop looking at each other.

Conrart's POV.

She looked so innocent and pure.
She smiled at me, it took everything in me to not hold her in my arms and keep her close.
I know she's not Julia, but she's just so strangely enchanting to me.
It wasn't until we noticed someone staring, we immediately look up the stairs to see this middle age-ish man with grey hair.
My older brother, Gwendal.
I notice Rina become anxious as she held my hand tighter, Gwendal inspected Yuri and turned his nose up, obnoxiously.
Yuri stood there, confused about the situation.

"Hmph. He's no demon king" Gwendal stated, arrogantly.

Here we go.

I looked at him, calmly, despite my brother's rude remark.

"You have the nerve" Rina mumbled, irritated.

I smiled down at her, "Now Rina, it's alright" I whispered, as I let go of her hand.

The Lily and The Sword (Conrart x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن