MiraJane tried getting up from her spot between Laxus and Freed but both sat her back down, "I have to help tend to the bar and check on Lisanna! She hasn't been feeling well all day and she's been acting strange! Now. Get. Off. Me!"

Laxus and Freed backed down but followed MiraJane when she went to a struggling Lucy, "Mira! What is going on?!"

"I'm not sure but the guys and Lisanna are acting strange." MiraJane said looking behind her to see Laxus and Freed very close by.

"GAJEEL FOR THE LAST TIME LET GO OF ME!" Levy was heard shouting from across the guild.

MiraJane and Lucy exchanged looks and walked over to Levy, well Lucy more like dragged her body and two others. Levy was struggling in Gajeel's lap with a confused Panther Lily watching them.

Levy turned to see the six walking up to her, "Guys help me out!"

"I would love to Levy-Chan but I've got my own issue!" Lucy exclaimed as she tried to get the two off of her.

"Wait Lu-Chan get my books!" Levy said as she stopped struggling and held her hands out expectedly.

"If I can even get my to keys- ALRIGHT YOU TWO I'VE BEEN NICE! NOW GET OFF BEFORE I BEAT YOU TWO TO A PULP! No offense Mira." Lucy yelled and then sweat dropped when she realized she just threatened to beat up a devil's sister.

Natsu and Lisanna grumbled but let go of Lucy's waist. Lucy grabbed Virgo's keys and the two quickly latched back on. Lucy huffed and called Virgo out who looked confused at the situation her key holder was in.

"Don't ask Virgo. Actually after you get Levy-Chan's books can you attempt to get them off of me?" Lucy asked and the two growled at Virgo when she reached for Lucy, "Never mind then I'm just stuck with them. Just get Levy-Chan's books please."

Virgo nodded and left in a cloud of stars and she quickly returned giving the pile of six large books to Lucy. Lucy gave her thanks and put them on the table where Levy quickly sorted through them.

"Ah ha! Here it is: Different Mating Season's. I think what we're experiencing is them going through Mating Season." The whole guild was surrounding them all wanting to know what was going on.

"BE NICE IF YOU GUYS COULD HELP INSTEAD OF WATCHING!" Lucy screamed and the rest of the guild flinched backing up.

Levy opened the book and turned to the first page and started to read, "Many different magic's have a consequence added to them. These magic's are Dragon Slayer, Animal Takeover, and Dark Écriture magic. The dragons inside of the Dragon Slayer's want a life long mate or lover. They are clingy and possessive of their mates. They can not choose their mates, fate chooses for them. Animal Takeover have many animals that take in mates. Animals usually mate to have offspring but in a mage's position it is just to have a lover beside them. The person they are attracted to is their mate. Even if they didn't really talk to them, if they are still attracted to them then there is their mate. The magic Dark Écriture has a demon embedded into the mage's soul. The demon also has a chosen mate and they can be very violent, almost as violent as a Dragon Slayer. All three magic's are very violent and if the mate disagrees to being their lover for life, then the mage's with the magic have no chance of surviving the heart break."

Everyone went silent besides Natsu and Lisanna growling at each other, "Wait so they can die?!" Romeo exclaimed and everyone started shouting for ways to fix this.

"QUIET!" Master Makarov shouted and everyone quieted down even the two growling at each other.

Lisanna tightened her grip and watched the Master's every move. Laxus, Freed, Natsu, and Gajeel were alert ready for an attack from the Master. Makarov quietened his voice at the looks the four were giving him, they were ready to pounce at any given moment.

"Master! I can't be both of theirs! Natsu is my best friend and Lisanna is a good friend! They both can't see me in that way!" Lucy cried out tears surfacing in her eyes.

Lisanna nuzzled her head into Lucy's side, whimpering because Lucy was upset. Natsu turned around and rested Lucy's head on his chest, PURRING, and stroking her head. Lucy blushed and tried to pry both of them off of her.

"I don't know want to tell you Lucy. They both look very attached to you, it doesn't look like a mistake." MiraJane stated a soft smile on her face but then frowned when both Laxus and Freed hugged her to their chests, "Oh don't you dare start with me!"

"Master what do we do?!" Levy cried as she started to struggle again.

"First of all, calm down. You girls are stressing them out-" Master started and Lucy interupted him.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to just calm down! I'm suddenly bound to two of my friends, WHO WON'T GET OFF OF ME! I JUST WANT SOME TIME TO PROCESS THIS!" Lucy screamed and all the Dragon Slayer's winced.

Natsu and Lisanna whimpered but they felt they were stressing out their mate from clinging onto her, so they let go and stood to her sides touching her arms. Lucy clutched her chest and her breathing went erratic.

"Lu-Chan/Lucy you need to calm down!" Levy and MiraJane shouted and Lucy started crying.

Happy flew into Lucy's chest and got growls from both Lisanna and Natsu, which he ignored. He hummed a lullaby Lucy usually hummed when she was stressed. Lucy's crying went to sniffling and she hugged Happy humming the song with him. Lucy rocked both them back and forth as they continued to hum the lullaby. Lucy's breathing went back to normal and she kissed Happy on top of his head.

"Thanks for that little buddy." Lucy whispered to Happy.

"No problem Lushie though I'm going to let go now because those two are scaring me." Happy said and flew away from Lucy.

Both Natsu and Lisanna wiped Lucy's tears away and looked at her lost, "I'm fine now." Lucy said softly and the two nodded going back to growling at each other which Lucy face palmed at.

This chapter is super long so I'm going to leave it off here. I hope you all have enjoyed the first chapter! Chow Chow Fairun Roseabell out!

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