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Whis P.O.V

Whis is a tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, white hair, violet eyes, and rather effeminate features

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Whis is a tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, white hair, violet eyes, and rather effeminate features. He owns a long scepter with a gem that floats above it, and is usually seen holding it in his right hand. Around his neck is a large light blue ring. Whis' attire consists of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with the same white and orange diamond decorations as Beerus, and a blue sash.  As the first alarm bomb went off there was smoke all around the rooms as Whis had silently walked to lord beerus room the smoke had cleared he cleared his throat and calmly said . " lord beerus it's time ,Time to wake up and don't fall back asleep . Recall that it was you  yourself after all who had set the alarm bomb to go off at this time , I'd hate to see you oversleep and for one of your back up alarms t-" he was cut off with another bang as more smoke had flooded the room as beerus had still laid in the bed he had groggily said in annoyed and sleepy tone ." Fine Whis I'm up." Whis had sighed calmly as he had worried about beerus deeply ." I just don't want you sleeping in for 15 years too late and waking up groggy like the last time , but if you require some more cuddling ." He cleared his throat smiling as he held a microphone ." I'm always happy to show off my vocal range with a singing performance to roust you . ~ la looord~ oh no nope .hello?" Whis had tried to fix the microphone ." I SAID IM UP!" He said annoyed as he nuzzled back in bed ." Oh but it's so cozy ." Beerus had fallen from his bed on a floating rock to the next landing on his back as he pushed his feet on the rock falling off of the next one rolling his way to the next as he would land on his feet . As he sleepily walked to the rocked tapping his foot two times as he had fallen on the ground reaching over the small wall that separated him from Whis . As he had yawned loudly  he had his eyes shut licking his wrist as he wiped it across his face ." To count his truly rested slumber I have to get at lest 50 years 39 is little more then a cat nap ." Whis had stood there looking at him ." Lord beerus again it was you who chose this wake up time and if I may why did you chose this date ?" Beerus sat there rubbing his wrist against his face ." There's something I need to check for myself ." Whis understood as he had spoke clearly ." Well in any case I've prepared a bath for you go on before it gets cold ." As beerus had laid there oh his stomach with his arms crossed placed under his chin as he raised a leg to Scratch behind his ear and the side of his cheek ." I'd rather not you know I hate baths ." Whis had looked at him ." You're covered in soot from those explosions lord and after your nap I'm sure you have mold in you're ears now ." Beerus had sat there not caring as he looked at the floor ." What if I refuse ?" He asked sleepily ." That beerus the destroyer may be powerful but boy does he sink up a room , soon they'll start calling you the destroyer of noses ." Whis said as he held his nose soon letting it go with a humored chucked ." Whis your pitifully attempts of humor make me want to go back to sleep . " he turned to look at him as he gave him a smirk ." Maybe I should destroy you."

Your POV

                       It had been a normal morning getting up as you combed your hair gently resting the brush on your desk in the room as you put it up or left it down you walked over to the closet . You threw out a tank top with jeans putting on a nice jacket to cover up you had been ready to go talk to Bulma about the time machine she'd been working on . Bulma had been in the lab setting up the last thing on her time machine as there was a knock on the door you arrived admiring the machine .'" Bulma it's wonderful are you sure it works ?" She looked at you and chuckled ." your talking to the girl who made vegeta marry her it works trust me ." She turned these nobs on the machine as she slammed her hand down on this huge bright red button . Before there had been any time for this hatch to open the door bell hand rang Bulma froze with fear as she stumbles over and shut it down throwing a tarp over the machine as she headed back to the door . You had stared at the machine and soon left to go see where Bulma went when you had returned you noticed there was a strange alien and what looked like to be a hairless cat . You turned your attention over at the blue man as he had smiled and walked up to you ." Bulma who is your darling  friend ? May I just say your very pretty . For my name is whis I am an angel for my master lord Beerus God of destruction." You politely smiled and thanked him ." It's very nice to meet an angel and a God of destruction but may I ask something why is the God of destruction a cat ?" Lord Beerus growled as he glared at you and walked over saying in a very clear tone ." I could ask the same why you are human or why I shouldn't destroy you ." You looked at him as the last part made you jump you scooted away and gave out a nervous chuckle ." Yeah I'll watch what I say ." You said sheepishly as you watched him shut his eyes once more taking his arms and folding them ." Smart girl you'd make a wonderful servant ." Beerus said bluntly as whis chuckled you had looked at him with slight confusion as you tried your very best to control your anger ." Y-yeah thank you lord Beerus ." He walked into the kitchen with Bulma and whis as you followed behind her you noticed whis had been sitting down with Bulma sipping some ice tea as you were sat across from lord Beerus the silence had killed you as you looked directly at him as he didn't seem to exactly care for anything . " Why are you staring at me ?" He asked as his turned his face toward you opening his eyes slowly as you gulped and tried to respond with a reason ." Well it's just that I've never seen a God of destruction nor a talking cat ." You added as he scoffed in his mouth ." Talking cat ? Human you realize I could hit you with my tail and send you flying out of this universe ." You looked at him with fear dreading in your eyes as he smirked alittle whis placed his cup down ." Now now lord Beerus she's only an earthling she hasn't seen anything like you its not very polite of you to be so passive aggressive toward the dear thing ." Beerus took a deep breath as he sighed it out ." I suppose you are right whis . Human my apologies for taking your admiring for granted You can stare as you wish ." He didn't sound very pleased with having to say that as you had soon taken your eyes off of him and proceeded to look at everything but him Beerus had soon grown bored of this as he looked at Bulma and whis rudely interrupting them ." That all sounds dandy whis I require food now ." He said with a snarky tone as whis had got up ." Right away lord Beerus Bulma had some pudding just for you ." Whis and Bulma had soon left the room leaving you two as you looked over seeing him happily munch on the pudding he had sprang up ." This is the best pudding I've ever eaten !" He shouted over reacting to the pudding as you jumped at his sudden outburst ." Yeah I guess Bulma buys a special brand ." He had looked at you clearly not listening as he had licked to bowl clean as he sat with his serious expression as you looked at beerus and thought in your mind "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he acts like a house cat I mean he's a huge cat ." He cleared his throat once more ." Human I asked you a question ."  Your mind went blank as you nodded to him looking at him answering his question as he smiled sneakily Whis walked back into the house with Bulma exclaiming at her wonderful idea . " lord beerus are you certain you'll be alright with miss (y,n) recall you wanted to check somethingb for yourself ." Beerus stared over at you making you look at him Bulma smiled at you as she knew you could do this ." She doesn't look like the type I should be afraid of Whis ." You looked at Whis as he smiled coming close to you as he wanted you to follow him you both walked outside as he let out a sigh ." Miss (y,n) I know this might come to a shock to you but lord beerus isn't always moody he loves to nap , he requires cuddles , and lastly he loves food  I hope this isn't a burden I can always go ask someone else miss." You smiled at Whis as you shock your head no to him he smiled brighter ." I promise you Whis I'll take care of your lord beerus i just hope he likes my cooking ." Whis placed a hand on your chooser as his touch was so light as you looked at his hand then him ." Lady (y,n) you have nothing to worry about ."

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