Home (Rosé's POV)

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I rush Andrew home, while Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo are running alongside me. I somehow know exactly where to go, and they apparently see that I'm a woman on a mission because they stay quiet the whole way back. As soon as I get him to his apartment, I notice that the door is unlocked. I slowly enter and tell the other ladies to take him to the bathroom and take care of his wound, and they do so.

As they do that, I walk around the apartment to check if anyone else is here. I go into every room, heading to the library last. As I walk into there, I hear high-pitched singing. I follow the voice, but it has me going around in circles. I finally get impatient and decide to leave the library. I go to check on Andrew, and I see that the bullet is out and that the bleeding has stopped. There's one problem though.

He isn't breathing.

The others are crying, and I start to tear up as well.

No, I tell myself, I have to stay strong right now.

I hit his chest three times in frustration.


The others get startled from my sudden outburst.

Me: Sorry. This just shouldn't be happening right now.

Lisa: I know, maknae twin, but we can't let ourselves be controlled by our grief, as tempting as it may be.

Jennie: Exactly.

Jisoo: Wise words. Now, on that lovely note, it's late. Let's go to bed.

We all go to the living room, lay down, and go to sleep. Then comes the dream.

Me: Run!
Jisoo: I can't run anymore!
Me: You have to!

Jisoo and I are both running from something or someone, but I can't tell who or what it is. I somehow recognize this as the main road in Hongdae. What are we doing there? I don't know. It's also dark and storming outside, so it's really hard for me to see. Suddenly, I get to a pink gate. It brings back a bittersweet feeling, but I don't know why. Do I know this place? If so, how do I know it, and why can't I remember it? Jisoo grabs my hand and pulls me inside.

Me: What are you doing?
Jisoo: Well, do you see any other places open right now where we can hide?
Me: No, I guess not.
Jisoo: Exactly.

She pulls me up the steps that are lined by plants galore to a pink house, and we go inside. As soon as we close the door, Jisoo keeps walking as my head suddenly feels like it's gonna split open. I scream out and fall to my knees because of the excruciating pain.

Jisoo: Shush! Are you trying to have him catch us??

She then decides to turn back, and she sees me on the ground, screaming my lungs out. She rushes to me, putting her hands on my forehead. Immediately, the pain leaves my head, and I stand up slowly.

Me: How did you do that?
Jisoo: I-I don't know.

Her eyes get wide all of a sudden, and she puts a finger to her lips, beckoning for me to follow her. I go with her upstairs, and we quickly and quietly go into one of the bedrooms, closing and locking the door behind us. A few moments later, the door bursts open.


I jolt awake, screaming, causing the other three to jolt awake as well.

Jisoo: What is it? What's going on?

Me: Bad dream. Really bad dream.
Lisa: What was it about?

I tell them, and they're in tears by the end of my explanation.

Me: Why are y'all crying?
Jisoo: I don't know. I just had a feeling of longing, and I don't know why.
Lisa: Me too.
Jennie: Same.

I walk into the bathroom to check on Andrew. Still dead.

Me: Andrew, please wake up. I can't do this without you.

I grasp his hand and finally let the tears cascade down my cheeks. After all of the tears are done, I get up and start to walk away. A hand grabs my wrist, causing me to jump in fright. I try to pull away, but the hand pulls instead. I fall onto Andrew, and he kisses me. I jerk away reflexively and look at him. He smirks, and my heart skips a beat. What the hell?

He puts a finger to his lips and smirks. Another heart skip. I whisper to him, astonished.

Me: Andrew?
Andrew: Hello, Rosé.
Me: How are you alive?
Andrew: Because of you.
Me: Me? I didn't do anything.
Andrew: Actually, you did quite a lot. Your raw emotions called to my spirit, and God allowed me to come back. I obviously have more to do here.
Me: Wait, you saw God?
Andrew: Yeah.

Me: What was that like?
Andrew: Imagine being surrounded by nothing but light, but never being blinded by it. Imagine the most loved you've ever felt from anyone on this earth, and literally multiply it by infinity. If you can imagine that, then you can imagine an infinitesimal amount of what it was like.
Me: Wow! That must've been an experience.
Andrew: You can't even possibly imagine.
Me: Wow!
Andrew: Yeah.
Me: Well, should we head out to the living room now.
Andrew: Sure. Let's go.

We walk out there to see a new visitor.

Me: Dami? What are you doing here, and how did you get in?
Dami: The door was unlocked, and I came to see how Andrew is. And obviously, he's okay.
Me: Yeah, he is fine. He's alive.
Dami: I see that.

I see her eyeing him hungrily, and I squint at her, causing her to smirk.

Me: See something you like, Dami?
Dami: Oh yeah, definitely.
Me: Well, you're drooling.
Dami: I don't care. Andrew's hot.

She keeps looking at him as if he's her next meal.

Dami: Andrew, what happened? You look completely different.
Andrew: Yeah, I feel different.
Dami: What happened when you left?
Andrew: Long-
Me: It's a long story, Dami. I'm sure you won't be able to keep up.
Dami: Try me.
Me: I think you need to leave.
Dami: I need to leave? Guess who was here, taking care of his place, while Andrew was arrested?

My eyes go wide as I look around at Andrew, and she smirks.

Dami: Oh yeah, he didn't tell you. He was arrested because he was accused of kidnapping you and your girls.
Me: What? Andrew, is this true?
Andrew: Yes, but-
Me: And you didn't tell me??
Andrew: No because I had to save you, then I died! Remember that?

I see Dami's smirk, and I realize what she's doing.

Me: Stay away from him! You are toxic for him.
Dami: Me? Toxic? Ha!
Me: Yes, you are toxic for him.
Dami: Well, I live two doors down from him, and you live half a world away. You can't stop me from seeing him.
Me: You wanna see?
Dami: Let's go!

We rush at each other, only to get blasted back.


Then I Saw Her (Book 1 of the "K-Pop" Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now