0.3: Dangerous Thoughts

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7 years ago

Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple

On the edge of a cliff where an ocean below swirled and crashed into the rocks on the side, two Jedi's in training collided, weapons making loud clanking sounds. Their feet were quick as they dodged eachother's advances. The female of the two lunged forward extending the metal staff in her hands, using the force to guide her movements. For a split second her taller opponent was caught of guard but this didn't last long. In his next move he waved his sword at her feet, causing her to quickly jump. This back and forth continued for several minutes each force user appearing to eagerly match the other.

The blonde one smiled as she quickly moved forward, each of her movements slowly trapping the taller if the two against the edge of the cliff. He noticed her slowly smirk as he ran out of room. He panicked for a split second, but a determination to not admit defeat set in. He slowly lowered his sword before locking eyes with the girl in front of him. After drawing in a long breath he stepped back and off of the cliff.

"Ben!" The blonde screamed dropping to her knees, hand out as if reaching for her fallen friend. She frantically peered over the side of the rocky hill searching for any sign of him.

She had dropped her guard and her weapon nails digging into the grass instead. That was when she felt a hand on her shoulder and another flipping her over until she was pinned to the ground, defenseless.

Her eyes widened as she stared at the boy on top of her. Ben's deep brown eyes glimmered at her mischievously, there were curls of hair sticking to the glimmer of sweat that perspired during their training session. "Never let your guards down. Before you relax you must see with more than your eyes, you need to feel it. Let the force be your guide Cas."

"That's not fair. You scared the hell out of me." She exclaimed punching him in the arm, making an effort to sit up from where she had been trapped beneath his arms.

"You think if someone is trying to kill you, they're going to play fair?" He asked her, following her movement and leaning back, setting his hands on the ground behind him. A strong graze stayed focused on his best friend.

She rolled her eyes at him dusting her robes off. Her mind had began to return to its normal state, the adrenaline from watching him fall of the edge of a cliff leaving her body. As she relaxed a slow smile made its way on to her face as she looked at Ben. "When did you learn to do that? Levitate like that?"

"Truthly? About 5 minutes ago." Ben laughed, Cassie's own laughter began to mirror his.

"Are you crazy? What if you died?" She choked out eyes wide. After Ben turned 13 and started to understand the power he processed, he suddenly began taking risks left and right, unfortunately for Cassie her blood pressure has never been the same.

"Come on, You think a little drop of a cliff is gonna kill Ben Solo?" He smirked, cockily winking at her.

The smaller force user swore her heart did a flip. Ben has come a long way from the shy little boy she'd met at her castle when she was six. He was slowly becoming more and more like his father. Han Solo with the powers of Luke Skywalker, and the looks of Princess Leia, what a combination.

She looked away from him in an attempt to hide her blush, instead focusing on the moonlit ocean in front of her. She inched a little closer and let her feet dangle off the edge. Ben crawled forward, mirroring her position.

They both sat for a few minutes in silent, enjoying the cool breeze, and gazing at the stars above them. Cassie didn't quite know how it felt to love someone other than her parents. The Jedi code advised against relationships, they suggested emotions like love, lust and jealously led to the dark side. Maybe they did, but in Cassie's own mind, in the darkest corner, tucked far away she believed that something so pure as love could never lead to the dark, but keep a person grounded. Like a tether to the light. The wheels in her mind began spinning before she could stop them and the next thing she knew she was gazing at her best friend.

Careful Cassie, those are some dangerous thoughts.

Ben's voice suddenly appeared in her head. Sometimes during moments like this the princess forgot about their connection. He must've began searching her mind because she hadn't said much in the past couple minutes.

Suddenly Cassie's mouth was moving quicker than her mind. She was too caught up in the moment. "Have you ever kissed a girl?"

Her question caught Ben off guard as his eyes widened. He was suddenly caught off guard by the closeness of the princess next to him. "No, you know it's against the code." He shook his head. There were a lot of things Ben was used to being the best at, love and relationships wasn't one of them. He suddenly became somewhat self conscious he knew most 17 year old boys had done so much more, felt so much more. To be honest he'd never even thought about girls, well girls other than Cassie. She'd been a constant in his life for the past 11 years. Before he could help it he was wondering what might happen if he was to kiss the girl sitting next to him.

"I wonder if we'll go our whole lives without learning how to love another person other than our family." Cassie spoke out loud a slightly sad tone in her voice.

"It is the way of the Jedi." Ben recited, his tone however wasn't serious. For his mind was wondering away, far away from the Jedi codes. In Ben Solo's mind Cassie has suddenly taken over all of his thoughts, in a way the felt similar to being mind controlled. The only difference is that he knew she wasn't trying to do this to him.

In Cassie's own mind a war similar to her friend's went on. As she looked up at the boy who was slowly growing into a man she could've sworn his eyes sparkled brighter than any star in the sky, and that the pull to him she felt in the moment was stronger than anything the dark side how to offer.

Before either of them could muster control they found themselves leaning closer and closer. Ben was the first to make contact. His fingers gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. He kept his hand on her face and then he was gently pulling her lips to his. They had little idea what to do so they just let their body's move in a way that seemed so natural. The first kiss they shared was only a peck, both of them giving the other time to pull away. But neither one of them did, instead they collided again more passionate than the first time their lips moving in sync, spreading a warm feeling through their bloodstream and straight to their hearts. As moments passed both force users became more and more entangled in more ways than one.

Cassiopeia Altair wasn't always right but she was right about one thing. For Ben Solo love wasn't a path to the dark side, but a tether to the light.



A/N: heyo, so I'm sorry about how short these chapters have been, but right now these are just flash backs. Important moments in Ben and Cassie's relationship. There should be a couple more chapters like this and then it jumps back on track with the movies. I hope you enjoy.

I'd love to hear some feedback. Thanks for reading.

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