chapter 6

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[word count: 673]

joey's pov

Claudia asleep, sexy poohead "ayo wake up bitchass" she jumped "get over here and cuddle me dickhead" I made my way over to Claudia and cuddled her "you smell really good" well how lovely "ok thx I guess"


I reallllllyyyyy needed a piss, you know like when you wake up and you really need to pee like reallllllllllyyy bad, yeh, no, whatever. I got up and speed walked to the bathroom, pulled out my pepe and did my buisnesss

"baaaaaabbbbbbbbeeee" can she be any louder "yeh" I say "come give me cuddles and kisses" aw cutie "coming" I wash my hands and what not then go back to the room to see claud with her arms out and making a kissy face, I walk over to her lay sexy body on her and layed my lips on hers. lucky sock. this turned into a very heated make out session, like im talking boob grabbing, peepee touching, fingering. as I said very heated

I think you know what happened after that 

Claudia's pov

me and joey done it again, I mean im not angry at allllllll, but you know we aren't even dating, ok I might be a lil angry, I mean I really like joey and I don't want this realationship to be only about sex ya know its not really something I want

"I like you" I said that, holy balls I said that "I like you more" he said back "will you be my girlfriend" OMG, come on claud your a bad bitch calm down be chill "yeh cool whatevsss"

"stop tryna act cool you goof ball, come here" he kissed me it was full of love I could feel it "I want you to meet my friends so get dressed there are coming in an hour.

I cleaned and all that and sprayed the room cuz smelt of sex and it was making me feel dizzy, anyway, while hoey was in the bathroom I wanted to prank him, so I hid behind the corner then when he came out the bathroom i'll scare the shit out of him, hehehehee this is gonna be sick

the water turned off then the door opened "baby you can go shower now, not sure why you didn't come shower with me th-" I cut him off "BOO" he didn't even flinch wtf is he broken or some shit. I gave him a 'tf' face "babygirl ive been through much worse, don't feel pain or get scared anymore, but good try tho" he dropped his towel I slapped his ass " ouch" heheh pussy "thought you couldn't feel pain" I smirked "ok ok I lied, I also get scared I really don't know how I didn't get scared"

" you fruity son of a bitch" I leaned and kissed him, he grabbed my ass, Claudia being Claudia I moaned *ding dong*

talk about saved by the bell "ill get it" I ran downstairs and  opened the door " hey" they all said at the same time, who the fuck are they pentatonix or some shit "come in" I said to em then shouted "baby your friends are here" a couple secs later my hot, sexy son of a bitch boyfriend cam down the stairs looking like a  full course meal, I walk over to him and kiss him passionately "you look so sexy" I then grab him peepee, ya know the usual

after his friends left

" come on dude im tired come cuddle meeeeeee" joey screams "im sorry I farted on your head it was a dare" well if you haven't realised yet me and joey are in an argument cuz his silly little friends decided to fart on my head like who the fuc- "bubbas im sorrrrryyyy" I just give in and kiss him then walk up to my room and sleep "no sexy business for you" I said 

then with that I went to bed thank you very much amen

pretty long chap with the inspiration the every hundred words I give my self a sweet


he's the bad guy... DUHKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat