Chapter 2:

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Dean laughed and said " Sam there no such thing as Bloody Mary dad try proving it." Dean keep looking at all the victims profile and Sam then said " no Dean I'm be serious come and look." " fine" Dean said and once he walked over to where Sam was and look at the pictures, Dean said " son of a bitch she real, excellent that mean we are up against Blood freaking Mary and how the hell do we kill her Sam? " well looking at this dad didn't actually find out who she was so I guess that where we start because she has to be someone." Sam said Dean then walked over and sat on the bed trying to think of wear to start this impossible hunt they where on and he then said " is there anything on the profile that dad about who he went to talk to about her or who she might be? "Urmmm let me have a look." Sam said in a confused voice while Sam was still scowling thought the profile Dean said " right we know a way of killing a ghost  salt and burn her bones." Sam said back to him " what if that doesn't work because you know sometime that doesn't always work because she might be attached to something." " good point" Dean answer with while Sam was reading the profile his dad made Dean got up and walked to the window and pulled the curtains open and saw the manager standing with two cops and just because the Winchesters brothers have bad luck the manager point to the room and Dean said to sam " sam hurry up the manager is sending cop over head." Sam quickly looks out the window where Dean has pulled the curtain open and he said " crap what are we gonna do Dean? And all Dean said to that was " find dad." And he opened the front door and walked out to the cops leaving sam in motel room and once Sam saw wear he was heading he said to him self " I hate it when he does that."

Sam quickly pulled his phone and took a picture of the Blood Mary profile and then walked into the bathroom and just as the police officer came into the room he managed to climb out of the bathroom window and just as Sam got out he heard cop say " it all clear in hear no sign of his partner he must of got away." All Sam could hear then was the cop slamming to door closed he could now make he get away while Dean was dealing with to police officers once the other officers said it was clear Dean got pushed over there police car and arrested he said " really your gonna arrest me are you freaking kidding me." The cop said to him " shut up." While they where shoving him in the back of there car. Once Dean had been brought to the police station they immediately lock him in a interrogation room handcuffed to the table. Dean was sitting in there a good couple of hours before a police officer came in with a massive box full of stuff to do with this case they think is a serial kill the officer slammed the box on the table and said to Dean " so are you gonna tell why your killing all theses people for and I know your working with someone and one of them is an older man." Dean said back to him " look we are not killing anyone if anything we are trying to help." The officer laugh at Dean and said " trying to help you have pictures of all the victims on your wall in your motel room and load of stuff I don't really understand." Dean then said " right you show me what's in the box and I'll tell you what's going on?" The office then got up and pulled out the book and chucked in front of Dean and as soon as he saw he face froze and he pulled it toward him and said " where did you get this from? The officer said back to him " so I'm guessing your dean then." Dean looked at confused and said " what makes you say that." The officer looked at him and opened the book right to the back it said on it DEAN 35-111 Dean eyes blow right up when he saw that because he knew then his dad was not there the officer then said " what does 35-111 mean? Dean looked at Hime and said " that mean nothing it was my lookcobo at school." The office said " right of course it is." And before officer could say anything else and younger officers came into the interrogation room and said " sir a 911 call has come in shots fire down on 72 street we need to go now!" As the other office said that they both left the interrogation room leaving Dean in there.

Once all the police officers had left the station Dean was looking around for something to help him get out of these handcuffs and while he was he was thinking why his dad's left his journal there because he never goes anywhere with out it, there was nothing in the room to help him get out, little did he know that it was right in front of him a paper clip in his dad's journal when Dean saw that a massive grin came to his face once he picked up the paper clip Dean was out of the cuffs in seconds he then pick up his dad's book and quickly pot it in his jacket and walked over to the window opened it up and climb out of it.

The first thing Dean did once he had climb down and got clear of the police station he ran to the nearest telephone box to call up Sam and tell him what he has found all Dean said when he was in the telephone box was " come on Sam pick up the dam phone." But it wasn't long till Sam answer his phone and he said "Dean?" Dean answer with " sam nice little trick you did with that fake 911 call." " yeah you can thank me later..." and before sam got to finish what he was saying Dean said " Sam listen up I have found dad's journal." Sam said back " really how did you get that he never goes anywhere with out that thing." " yeah I know he doesn't something definitely wrong hear sam and police had it, also dad not hear Sam." Dean said back to him, Sam reply with " how do you know that Dean?" " what does dad do when he want to tell us something?" Dean said " coordinates?" Sam answer with no surprise in his voice " yep, but Dean we need to finish this case before we go to the coordinations." Dean said " come on Sam we need to find Dad why don't you call up Bobby and ask him to finish it." Sam said with anger in his voice " we are finishing this case Dean end of." Dean said and then hung up the phone on him. "Dean..." before sam could say anything else Dean has already gone Sam then slung his phone across the impala smashing it to peace's " SON OF A BITCH!!" He shouted, then slamming his foot to the ground sending the impala rawing off. Dean had no idea where Sam was but Dean knew was he need to get it a library or something to find about all the death that where in front of a mirror so he could find out who Bloody Mary was, the nearest place Dean could find was a library just a couple of blocks away from the police station and as he got in he went up to the receptionist and said " hello there I need all you information on people who have die in front of a mirror in your town." The receptionist look at Dean with the most strange of looks like he was some crazy guy but before she could say anything BUZZ, BUZZ his phone started ringing and he said to the receptionist " hang on a second." And as he pulled his phone out of his pocket he saw it was Sam so he answered him "Sam." "Dean listen I'm sorry about earlier." Sam said back to him and Dean said back " hay no chick flick moments." " alright.... jerk." Sam said " bitch" Dean reply with, Sam then said " I've stopped at the dinner to have a look at Dad's profile on Bloody Mary and I've found her husband name." Dean said back " what's her husband name?" Sam said back " his names is Carl barns." Dean answered with " have you found out what Blood Mary real name is?" " no I don't think dad even went to speak to the husband I think he was just about too before he just left." Sam said back " alright well I'm coming to you now and don't you leave that dinner I need some pie where about are you?" Dean said, Sam answer with " I'm only a couple block away from the police station you can't miss it." " alright." Dean said then hanging up the phone and left the library straight away to go and meet Sam.

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