she sat on the side of the pool

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she sat on the side of the pool because she was uncomfortable

the heat of the burning sun was the least of her problems

she sat on the side of the pool and longingly watched her friends have fun

she knew damn well they had one big thing that separated them from her

45 agonizingly slow minutes with no one and nothing

she just stared at the green and white print of the umbrella

she sat on the side of the pool and was brought more discomfort

she had to remove what she referred to as her safety blanket

her father's faded hoodie that smelled of his cigarettes and cologne

45 agonizingly slow minutes she sat trapped in her own head

she sat on the side of the pool and thought

she knew what she was doing was helping her physical health in some way

she knew that what she was doing made this "infection" worse

she sat on rhe side of the pool that day and relapsed again

but no one will ever know

because she's been convinced no one cares

Tbh I just rant in the form of poetryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ